Set Planar Coordinate System.
Function Description
The Coordinate System Settings dialog is used to set the Planar Coordinate System information of a Datasource, Dataset, or Current Map selected in the Current Workspace.
Operating instructions
- On the Start tab-> Data Processing group, click the Projection Settings button to bring up the Coordinate System Settings window.
- On the left side of the window, select Planar Coordinate System as the Coordinate System type, as shown in the following figure.
- On the right side of the window, the user can modify the unit of the Planar Coordinate System, or newly set the coordinate information of the selected Datasource or Dataset. Please refer to Projection Settings for specific setting methods.
- After selecting the Planar Coordinate System, click the Apply button to apply the selected Planar Coordinate System to the currently selected Datasource, Dataset, or map.
Related topics
Create a new Geographic Coordinate System
Create a new Projected Coordinate System.
Created by EPSG Encoding coordinate system
Set Projected Coordinate System.
Setting Up the Geographic Coordinate System