Create a new Projected Coordinate System.

Function Description

New Projected Coordinate System are supported in the Coordinate System Settings dialog.

Function entrance

  • Start tab-> Data Processing group-> Projection Settings-> Projection Settings window-> Create New Coordinate System-> Projected Coordinate System。
  • Reset Coordinate System..-> Projection Settings Window-> Create in DatasetContext Menu-> Properties-> Coordinate System Options in Workspace Manager New Coordinate System->Projected Coordinate System
  • Context Menu- > Attribute item in Map, In the Reset Coordinate System..-> Projection Settings window of the Layer Properties panel-> Coordinate System option-> Create New Coordinate System-> Projected Coordinate System button.

Operating instructions

  1. On the Coordinate System Settings dialog, click the Create New Coordinate System Drop-down Button to select Projected Coordinate System.
  2. On the Create the Projected Coordinate System-> Set the Geographic Coordinate System dialog, Parameters such as Geographic Coordinate System name, EPSG Code, Datum, Reference Spheroid, and Prime Meridian need to be set. For detailed Parameter Settings, please refer to the Custom Geographic Coordinate System .
  3. Complete the Parameter Settings described above and click Next to go to the Create the Projected Coordinate System-> Set the Projected Parameters dialog. Set the following Parameters:
    • Projection Type
      • System predefined Projection Type: Click the Drop-down Button on the right to pop up the Projection Type list. You can select a system predefined Projection Type from the list. If you select the Projection Type provided by the system, the Parameters are fixed and cannot be edited.
      • Custom Projection Mode: The user enters a new projection name in the combo box on the right side of the Projection Type tab as the Custom Projection Mode, and the parameters of the Custom Projection Scheme are available.
    • Projection Type
      • System predefined Projection Type: Click the Drop-down Button on the right to pop up the Projection Type list. You can select a system predefined Projection Type from the list. If you select the Projection Type provided by the system, the Parameters are fixed and cannot be edited.
      • Custom Projection Mode: The user enters a new projection name in the combo box on the right side of the Projection Type tab as the Custom Projection Mode, and the parameters of the Custom Projection Scheme are available.
      • Offset X and Offset Y in the
      • parameters are set to avoid negative values of GCS, mainly for Gauss-Kruger, Mercator and UTM projections. In the conic projection, the cone passes through the earth and is tangent or secant to the parallels of the earth. These tangent or secant lines are the standard parallels. The user only needs to specify one standard latitude line for the tangent conic projection, and two standard latitudes lines, namely the first standard latitude line and the second standard latitude line, need to be specified for the tangent conic projection. If it is a single standard weft, the second standard weft should have the same value as the first standard weft. In addition, the Central Parallel, the southernmost parallel, should be set.
      • The system provides two Parameter Settings units of "Degree" and "DD: MM: SS" for the user to select. Check the "Display in the form of" DD: MM: SS "" check box to switch the unit to the form of "Degree, Minute and Second".
  4. Complete the above Parameter Settings, and click the OK button to complete the new Projected Coordinate System.

Related topics

Projection Settings

Create a new Geographic Coordinate System

Created by EPSG Encoding coordinate system

Set Planar Coordinate System.

Set Projected Coordinate System.

Setting Up the Geographic Coordinate System