Step 2 Creating River Map

This map is used to highlight the river labels. Repeat labeling is used since the rivers are very long.

Basic Steps

  1. Select MainWater_L in the layer manager.
  2. Click Thematic Mapping tab > Label group > Uniform and set Expression to NAME to create a label thematic map.
  3. Set the following parameters in the Properties panel.
Parameters Value
Offset Unit: 0.1 mm
False Easting -40
  1. Set the following parameters in the “Styles” panel.
Parameters Value
Font SimSun
Font Size 15
Italic Angle 40
Text Color RGB(0,113,255)
Font Effects Italic, Outline, Fixed Size.

Use default values for other parameters.

  1. Set the following parameters in the “Advanced” panel.
Parameters Value
Alongline Labelling Checked
Fixed Text Angle Checked
Label Direction: From top to bottom, right to left
Spacing: 8
Repeat Interval: 2500

Spacing represent the spacing between text in the label, the range is 1-8, this means the spacing can be 1-8 times of the font height. Here set it to 8. Set Repeat Interval to 2500, representing the distance between the last character of label text and the first character of the next label text is 2500 map unit. Use default values for other parameters.

  1. To modify the display style of MainWaterL. First, select MainWaterL in the Layer Manager. Second, right click and select “Layer Style” in the context menu, in the Line Symbol Selector. Finally, set the width to 0.1 millimeter and the color to RGB(115,178,255).
  2. Select “Line Antialiasing” and “Text Antialiasing” in the Basic tab of the Map Properties panel.
  3. Save the map with the map “Labeling along river”

The map configured is as the following:


Step 1: Data preparation

Step 3: Configure and decorate base map