
Class DistanceAnalyst

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.supermap.analyst.spatialanalyst.DistanceAnalyst

  • public class DistanceAnalyst
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • DistanceAnalyst

        public DistanceAnalyst()
    • Method Detail

      • costPathLine

        public static CostPathLineResult costPathLine(Point2D sourcePoint,
                                                      Point2D targetPoint,
                                                      DatasetGrid costGrid,
                                                      SmoothMethod smoothMethod,
                                                      int smoothDegree,
                                                      Datasource targetDatasource,
                                                      java.lang.String targetDatasetName,
                                                      SteppedListener... listeners)
        Calculate the shortest cost path between 2 points
        sourcePoint - Departure point coordinates
        targetPoint - Coordinates of the target point
        costGrid - Consume rasters
        smoothMethod - Result line smoothing method
        smoothDegree - Result line smoothness factor
        targetDatasource - The data source where the output data is located.
        targetDatasetName - Name of the output dataset. return A dataset containing a 2-point shortest path line
        listeners - analyze progress callbacks for listening
        Distance consumption raster analysis results
      • surfacePathLine

        public static PathLineResult surfacePathLine(Point2D sourcePoint,
                                                     Point2D targetPoint,
                                                     DistanceAnalystParameter parameter,
                                                     SteppedListener... listeners)
        Calculates the shortest path to the surface between two points
        sourcePoint - Departure point coordinates
        targetPoint - Coordinates of the target point
        parameter - Analyze parameters
      • removeSteppedListener

        public static void removeSteppedListener(SteppedListener l)
        Remove callback listeners
        l - Callback listening