View Mosaic Dataset Properties

Select one or more Mosaic Datasets in Workspace Manager, click the right mouse button, and select Attribute in the pop-up Context Menu. A Dataset attribute panel will pop up on the right side of Map. In the Properties Panel, you can view or Modify Mosaic Dataset Basic Info, coordinate system information, and no value information.


Click the Dataset option in the Properties Panel, and the panel displays the Basic Info of the Mosaic Dataset, Dataset Bounds information, and Detail Description information of the Dataset.

DatasetBasic Info includes Dataset Name, Type, Table Name, and DatasetEncode Type.

Dataset Bounds: The upper and lower values are the two boundaries along the Y axis (i.e., 'Y ='); the left and right values are the two boundaries along the X axis (i.e., 'X ='). The units of the values are the same as those of Dataset. Dataset Bounds supports Recalculate, Copy and Paste, as described below:

  • Recalculate: RecalculateVector Dataset range based on the position of the spatial object in the Dataset. Refer to the Scope of Recal culateMosaic Dataset. for detailed instructions.
  • Copy and Paste: Click the Copy button to Copy CurrentDataset Bounds, or click the Paste button to set the left, bottom, right, and top values of Copy Bounds to the current range.

Dataset Description: Displays the description of the Vector Dataset, where you can Edit the description of the Dataset.

Coordinate system

Click the Coordinate System option in the Properties Panel, and the panel displays the coordinate system information of the Mosaic Dataset. Here, you can view the Coordinate System, units, and coordinate system information of the Dataset, and modify the Dataset coordinate system.

Button on coordinate system information toolbarFunction Description:

  • Reset coordinate system: Click this button to reset the coordinate system in the drop-down list, or click the More button to pop up the Coordinate System Settings dialog and reset the coordinate Projection of the Dataset. Please refer to the Projection Settings window for specific setting methods.
  • Copy Coordinate System: Click this button to pop up the Copy Coordinate System dialog, where you can Copy Coordinate System information as a Projection of the Current Data set. The system provides two Copy Coordinate System methods:
    • Copy the Existing data source coordinate Projection in the Current Works pace.
    • Copy the coordinate Projection of the Existing data set in the Current Workspace.
  • Export Coordinate System: Export Dataset is projected as Projection Info File (*.xml).
  • Import Coordinate System: Import Projection Info File (*.xml) as Dataset projection.
  • Projection Transformation: Click this button to pop up the Projection Transformation dialog, select Projection Info File and import. Support importing Shapefile Projection Info File (*.shp; *.prj), MapInfo Exchange Format (*.mif), MapInfo TAB File (*.tab), image format Projection Info File (*.tif; *.img; *.sit)、Projection Info File(*.xml)。 For details, refer to the Projection Transformation dialog in Projection Transformation .


Clicking the Mosaic option in the Properties Panel displays the Basic Info and No Value information for the Mosaic Dataset.

Basic Info includes the number of bands contained in the Mosaic Dataset image, the Pixel Format in which the image is stored, and the width and height of the Mosaic Dataset.

The null information can be modified in the following ways. Please refer to the Mosaic Dataset No Value Topic Description for the specific usage of the Mosaic Dataset null:

  • Uniform Settings: You can select All Bands or several of them in the No Value list and click the Uniform Settings button above the table to set no value for the selected band Uniform Settings.
  • Recalculate: Clicking the Recalculate button above the table will calculate the null value of the first image as the null value of the Mosaic Dataset.
  • Manual modification: If the null values corresponding to different bands are different, the null value of each band can be modified separately in the table.

When Mosaic Dataset No Value is set, images without No Value information do not use Mosaic Dataset No Value as Image No Value by default. Therefore, you can set no value for the image in the following ways:

  • Replaces Image Missing No Value: is not checked by default. If checked, images without null information will use Mosaic Dataset's null as the image's null, while images with null information will still use the image's own null.
  • Replaces all images with no value: This check box is available when the Replaces Image Missing No Value check box is selected. When checked, images with no value information are also forced to use the Mosaic Dataset's no value as the image's no value.
  • If the modified No Value has been applied, clicking the Reset button does not revert to the No Value before it was applied.
  • After
  • checking Replaces Image Missing No Value and Replaces all images with no value, you need to click the Apply button to take effect.

Related topics

Build Mosaic Dataset

Mosaic Dataset No Value Operation Instruction