Manage Mosaic Dataset
Using Mosaic Dataset to manage Image Files greatly improves the speed of storage and reduces the disk occupancy compared with the traditional storage management. SuperMap iDesxtopX supports Build Mosaic Dataset to modify, optimize, and export Mosaic Dataset to improve Mosaic DatasetDisplay Effects.
This section will introduce you to the following:
- Mosaic Dataset Overview : Describes the features of Mosaic Dataset and the preparation required to use Mosaic Dataset.
- Build Mosaic Dataset : It introduces how to Build Mosaic Dataset, including Data Preparation in the early stage and the whole creation process.
- Browse Footprint Attributes : describes how to browse and read profile attribute table information. The outline in Mosaic Dataset is the basis for Mosaic Dataset to store and organize Image Files, which is a Region Dataset. Each face object is the Geographic Range of a single image, and the distribution and coverage of the image can be viewed globally through the contour.
- Optimize Mosaic Dataset : Describes how to Optimize Mosaic Dataset to improve the browsing effect of the Dataset. Includes Create Image Pyramid, Delete Image Pyramid, Create Histogram, Rebuild Spatial Index, Build Overview, Check and Optimize Data six functions.
- Change Mosaic Dataset : Describes how to Change Mosaic Dataset, Include Add Image, Manage Mosaic Dataset, Rebuild Bounds, Crop Display Range, image rerouting, Balance Mosaic Dataset Colors, Clear Color Balance has seven features that change the content of the Mosaic Dataset.
- Purge/Export Mosaic Data Sets describes how to purge/Export Mosaic Data sets. Clear Data is used to delete all records of the Mosaic Dataset, including the Delete Overview. Export Data is used for Export Mosaic Data sets, allowing Select Range Export Data for easy data copying and sharing.
- Mosaic Dataset Display : describes how to set the Dataset Display Method on the desktop for better browsing.
- Viewing Mosaic Dataset Properties : describes how to view or Modify Mosaic Dataset Basic Info, coordinate system information, and no value information.
- Mosaic Dataset Valueless Topic Description : Describes the value of Mosaic Dataset Valueless for Manage Mosaic Dataset, how to use Mosaic Dataset Valueless, As well as answers to some common questions in the process of using.