Database migration
For Data Migration, the Licensing of ArcGIS related products is required. Support More ArcGIS Geodatabase Data Type Conversion to Data Type corresponding to SuperMap. At present, it provides Import SDE, Import GDB, Import MDB, Import SHP and other database types Data Import.
If there is subtype information in Data Settings such as feature class, attribute and feature Dataset, it can be viewed in the corresponding Data Properties Panel after importing.
In this chapter, you will learn the following:
- Import GDB : describes how to migrate the Data in the GDB file folder to the SuperMap Datasource;
- Import MDB : describes how to migrate Data in MDB to SuperMap Datasource;
- Import SDE : describes how to migrate data in SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL databases in SDE to SuperMap Datasource;
- Import SHP : Describes how to migrate ShpFile files into SuperMap Datasource.