Create Map

Use Sample Data package \ SampleData \ ExerciseData \ QuickMakingMapTutorial.

Open Data

  1. Open iDesktop XApplication
  2. Click the Start-> Datasource-> File button.
  3. In the Open File Datasource dialog, navigate to the\SampleData\ExerciseData\QuickMakingMap Tutorial directory and select Subway. Smwu.

Create Map

There are two ways to Create a Map:

  • Method 1: Under the Subway Datasource node, press and hold Ctrl/Shift to select the All Data set under the Datasource, and then select Add to New Map in the Context Menu to complete the creation of a new map.
  • Method 2: Select Create Map in the Context Menu of the Map node. Select BaseMap, Subway, Substation and TransferStation of the Subway Datasource in batch by pressing Ctrl/Shift in the Select dialog, and click OK. Complete the creation of the new map.
  • In Method 1, it is necessary to pay attention to the Display Order of layers in the Map. In order to avoid layer occlusion, the Display Order of different types of layers in the Map from top to bottom is generally: text -- point -- line -- face.
  • The Dataset in
  • Method 2 will be sorted automatically according to the Display Order of Text-Points-Lines-Faces.

Create Map is shown in the following figure:

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