Label the map

Annotating a map can help you quickly identify geographic elements on the map. In this example, two layers, Substation and TransferStation, will be annotated.

Annotate Substation layer

The name of each site is stored in SubstationDataset Properties, so you can select the corresponding Property Field when labeling it.

  1. Select Create Thematic Map.. from the Context Menu on the Layer Manager-> Substation @ Subway layer.
  2. Select Label Uniform Map-> Default on the left side of the pop-up Create Thematic Map dialog box, and click the OK button to jump to Thematic Map on the right panel of the interface.
  3. Thematic map function area is divided into three items: Attribute, Style and Advanced. Only Parameter Settings in the attribute and style items are introduced here.
    • In the Properties item, set Label expression to Name.
    • In the Style item, set Font to Microsoft YaHei, Alignment to Left Center, and Font Size to 11. For other Parameter Settings, see the following figure:

Callout the TransferStation layer

The name of each transfer site is stored in the TransferStation Dataset Properties, so you can select the corresponding Property Field when labeling it.

The steps for labeling the TransferStation layer are the same as those in Label the Substation layer.

The annotation effect of Substation and TransferStation layers is shown in the following figure:

After marking the map, click the Start tab-> Workspace group-> Save button, name the map as Chengdu Metro Line Map, Save Map and Save Works pace.

Related topics

Publish the map

Map symbolization

Create Map

Layout drawing