Print Atlas


The created map series can be printed out or output as a group of PDF pages.

The group of features on the produce of a map series help us to output an high-quality atlas efficiently.

Following pictures are an example of an atlas.

Some pages of an atlas

Basic steps

  1. Enable the map series.
  2. Click Object Operations > Map Series > Printing Map Books. In the popup dialog, you need to set following two parameters.
    • Target Path: Specify the path of the output.
    • DPI: Set DPI to the value you want. The more large the DPI, the more clear the output. iDesktop will spend more time to output maps and the resulting files will be more large in size. 96 is by default.
  3. Every layout page will be saved as a PDF file. Hence, there are a group of PDF files in the target folder finally.

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