The Styles tab: Set the styles applied to the labels in a composite label map.
Split By: Set how to split the labels. You can select to split the labels by position or separator.
- Split by Position: Split the labels based on the total number of child parts and the number of characters for each child part you specify.
- Split by Separator: Split the labels with the separator you specify.
- Separator: The text box is only active if you select to split the label by separator. Type the separator with which you want to split the labels in the text box. If a separator is not specified, a label in the label map is drawn in uniform style.
- Child Parts: The number of child parts the labels are split into. The value in the text box is read only.
- Default Style: The default label style. To know how to change the settings in the dialog box that shows up when clicking the button to the right. For more details, please refer to Modifying Uniform Label Maps.
- The child parts list: All child parts are listed and each item corresponds to a child part. If you select to split labels by position, a set of text boxes show up in the right of the list. With those text boxes, you can set the breaks of the label. The changes will be instantly shown on the label map.
Settings for a child part: The toolbar on the Styles tab organizes commands for settings for a child part.
- The Merge button is used to merge the consecutive child parts selected. The command is only active if there are multiple consecutive child parts selected.
- The Split button is used to split the selected child part into two child parts.
- The Text Color is used to set the style of the selected child parts. The label style settings dialog box shows up for you to set the label style when you click the button after selecting one or more child parts. For more details, please refer to Modifying Uniform Label Maps.