New Label Maps


Create a label map of a supported type in default style.

Uniform Label Maps

A uniform label map labels the objects in a vector layer with the values of the thematic variable in the uniform style.

How to make a uniform label map?

Modify Ranges Label Maps

A ranges label map labels the the objects in a vector layer with the values of the thematic variable. Meanwhile, the value range of another thematic variable of the vector layer are classified into subranges and the labels for those objects who fall into the same subrange are rendered in the same style.

How to make a ranges label map?

Composite Label Maps

A composite label map labels the objects in a vector layer with the values of the thematic variable in the composite style. All labels on a composite label can be split following the same rules and different parts of a label can be drawn with different styles.

How to make a composite label map?

Label Matrix Maps

A label matrix map labels an objects in a vector layer with the content organized in a matrix. You are allowed to place symbols, pictures, and text in a matrix to label an object. A matrix label is actually a table with n rows and m columns. Each cell in the table corresponds to a thematic variable and can display a picture, symbol or the text. Moreover, each cell can have a table with n rows and m columns embedded in it.

How to make a label matrix map?