Manage 3D Scenes in Run Mode

This page mainly introduces how to use the scene management panel to realize flight management, set sun positioning, adjust post-processing parameters and other functions.

In Run mode, click the Scene button on the right side of the current viewport to pop up the Scene Management Panel. You can do the following:

Flight management

This function is used to set parameters related to 3D flight analysis, including importing flight route, site management, setting camera parameters, etc. For detailed operation steps, seeFlight Management page.

Split screen

View mode used to manage the same scene. Currently, it only supports dividing multiple layers in the same scene into two viewports for split screen display. For detailed operation steps, seethe split screen page.


Used to get elevation information for the scene. Seeelevation page for detailed operation steps.

Video release

Used to put the specified video file into the scene for playback to simulate the real situation in the video. For detailed operation steps, seethe video launch page.

Scene Attribute Management

Use to manage attributes such as terrain skirt, terrain exaggeration, and surface transparency. For detailed operation steps, seethe scene attribute management page.