Import CityGML

Instructions for use

The Import CityGML function supports the import of CityGML data in *.gml format, and adds a Model Dataest node in Target Datasource.

Function entrance

  • 3D Data tab-> Model group-> BIM drop-down menu-> Import CityGML button
  • Toolbox -> 3D Data -> Data Import -> Import CityGML
  • Workspace Manager -> Specify DatasourceContext Menu -> Import BIM Data pull-down menu-> City GML

Operation steps

  1. Select Target Datasource or Create Datasource in Workspace Manager and check.
  2. On the 3D Data tab, click the Import CityGml button from the BIM drop-down menu in the Model group to bring up the Import CityGML "dialog.
  3. Source Data Settings, Result Data Settings, Advanced Settings, and Coordinate System Settings as needed. See the Import City GML tool page for specific parameters .
  4. After setting, click "Run" to refresh Target Datasource in Workspace Manager, and CityGMLDataset node will be added under Target Datasource.

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