Add Cloud Storage Connection
Add Cloud Storage Connection is to establish a connection with the specified Cloud Storage, so that the Application can access the directories and files in the cloud storage service.
- Click the Add Cloud Storage Connection button in the Start tab-> Cloud Storage group-> Cloud Storage drop-down menu (or on the Catalog Management panel-> Cloud Storage node Context Menu, select the Add Cloud Storage Connection button to open the Cloud Storage dialog.
- In the Parameters item of the dialog box, enter Connection Name and provide other Connection Info. Refer to the Cloud Storage Connection Parameter Description for Connection InfoParameter Description.
- Dialog switches to the Global environment item to set and modify the Connection Timeout parameter. Changes to the Connection Timeout parameter are applied in real time and to all Cloud storage service connection.
- After setting the above information, click the Connect button to complete the cloud storage connection.
- Connection succeeded, the connection name is displayed under the Cloud Storage node in the Catalog Management panel.
Browse Cloud Storage Connections
File Info in the connected Cloud Storage and services can be accessed through the Cloud Storage node of the Catalog Manager without using the feature. Includes the popular Image Files (*.tif, *.tiff, *.img, *.sci, *.ecw) and Vector Files (*.shp, *.gpkg, *.dbf). If you browse the Image Files stored in the path//minio @ image/ChinaPart1/H47C001004.tif, the operating instructions are as follows:
- Expand the Cloud Storage node in the Catalog Management panel.
- Double-click the connection named minio @ image.
- Double-click the ChinaPart1 folder in the directory where the minio @ image link is expanded.
- Double-click H47C001004.tif in the expanded directory of the ChinaPart1 folder (or select the Open button in the H47C001004.tif Context Menu) to browse Image Files in the new Map.
Export cloud storage connection
Cloud storage Connection Info is described in XML format and stored as *.xml files to facilitate the sharing of Connection Info.
- In the Catalog Management panel, under the Cloud Storage node, select the connection you want to export.
- Select the Export cloud storage connection button in the Context Menu to export the Connection Info as a *.xml file.
Import Cloud Storage Connection
You can directly connect to this Cloud Storage by importing the Connection Info *.xml file saved with the Cloud Storage.
- Select the Import Cloud Storage Connection button from the Cloud Storage drop-down option in the Start tab-> Cloud Storage group (or on the Catalog Management panel-> Cloud Storage node Context Menu, select the Import Cloud Storage Connection button to open the Import cloud storage service connection information dialog.
- Select the *.xml file storing Connection Info in the dialog box, and click the Open button to complete the Import Cloud Storage Connection operation.
If the connection name of the imported cloud storage connection is the same as the name of the existing connection, a prompt pops up: "Connection Info with the same name exists, Overwrite?". Select Yes to overwrite the Connection Info of the same name; select No to automatically rename the new connection and import it, usually by adding "_ 1" to the original name; select Cancel to cancel the import operation.
Clear the cloud storage connection
Cloud storage service connection information of Delete All will be deleted and cannot be restored.
- Select Remove all connections in the Cloud Storage node Context Menu.
- In the pop-up prompt dialog box, select the Yes button to delete all Cloud storage service connection.
In the Catalog Management panel, you can also delete a specified cloud storage connection, which cannot be restored after deletion. The operation instructions are as follows:
- Select the connection to be cleared under the Cloud Storage node in the Catalog Management panel.
- Select the Delete button in the Context Menu of the connection to pop up the Prompt dialog box.
- Selecting Yes in the Prompt dialog clears the Connection Info from the Cloud Storage node.
Related topics
Add Cloud Storage Connection Instance
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