Instructions for use
In SuperMap iDesktop, it supports the mutual conversion between Diagram and thematic map, and can quickly display Data Information in different ways.
Convert Diagram to Thematic Map
Support the DiagramConvert to Thematic Map of Vector Dataset. Note: It is not supported to directly convert the Diagram made by the property sheet into a thematic map.
In Map Open Diagram, there are two conversion entries:
- Method 1: On the Diagram tab, in the Diagram Conversion group, click the Convert to Thematic Map button. The Convert to Thematic Map "dialog box appears.
- Method 2: Right click the current Diagram Window, and select the Convert to Thematic Map command in the pop-up Context Menu to pop up the Convert to Thematic Map "dialog box.
In the Convert to Thematic Map "dialog, set the following parameters:
- Select Map: Select the Display Method of the converted thematic map in the list box, check the "Create Map Window" radio box, and the generated thematic map will be opened in the new map. You can also choose to display in an open Map in the Current Workspace.
- Select the type of thematic map to be transferred out: Export Type supports multiple selections, and the mutual transfer type is described as follows:
- Support the conversion between column chart, pie chart, line chart, bubble chart and Unique-values Map, Statistical Thematic Map, Graduated Symbols Map and Dot Density Map.
- Support the mutual conversion of histogram and Graudated Colors Map.
- Conversion of scatter chart, time series chart and Default to thematic chart is not supported.
Example: The following figure shows the conversion of the GDP histogram of each province in China from 2012 to 2014 into the Unique-values Map and the Statistical Thematic Map.
Figure: Conversion result |
Convert to Diagram
Support the Convert to Diagram of vector thematic maps made by users:
Function Entry
Open the thematic map in Map, right click the vector thematic layer in Layer Manager, and select Convert to Diagram "in the pop-up Context Menu to pop up the Convert to Diagram" dialog box.
In the Convert to Diagram "dialog, set the following parameters:
- Select Map: Select the Display Method of the converted thematic map in the list box, check the "Create Map Window" radio box, and the generated thematic map will be opened in the new map. You can also choose to display in an open Map in the Current Workspace.
- Select the type of Diagram to be transferred out: Only one Chart Type can be transferred out at a time. The mutual transfer type is described as follows:
- Support the conversion between Unique-values Map, Statistical Thematic Map, Graduated Symbols Map, Dot Density Map and column chart, pie chart, line chart and single bubble chart, as shown in the following figure.
- Support the mutual conversion of Graudated Colors Map and histogram, as shown in the following figure.
Example: The following figure shows the graph of GridAggregationMapConvert to Line.
Figure: Conversion result |