Overlay Analysis is one of the basic spatial operation functions of GIS, which refers to the process of generating new data through the set operation between Vector Data. Application provides Overlay Analysis functions for point, line and surface type Dataset, such as clipping, merging, erasing, intersection, identity, symmetric difference and update.
About Overlay Analysis
The basic concepts of Overlay Analysis and the logic operations involved in Overlay Analysis are introduced in detail.
Overlay Analysis Operator Introduction
The basic concepts and principles of seven operators of Overlay Analysis are introduced in detail.
Clipping refers to the function of using Overlay Dataset (Clip Dataset) to extract part of the feature (point, line, surface) set from Source Dataset (Clip Dataset).
Union (Merge)
Merge refers to the ability to perform union operations on Source Dataset and Overlay Dataset.
Erase is the ability to use the Overlay Dataset (Erase Data Set) to erase a Feature that overlaps the Source Dataset (Erase Data Set).
Ask for intersection
Intersection refers to the function of intersection between Source Dataset and Overlay Dataset.
Identify (Same)
Identity refers to the ability to intersect a Source Dataset with an Overlay Dataset.
Intersection Difference (Symmetric Difference)
Symmetric difference refers to the function of negating the intersection of Source Dataset and Overlay Dataset.
Update refers to the ability of Overlay Dataset (Update Dataset) to replace the part that coincides with Source Dataset (Updated Dataset).