Modify the record

Instructions for use

SuperMap iDesktopX supports the modification of records in the spatial blockchain Dataset.

Operating instructions

  1. YamlFile Path: After the blockchain network is set up, copy the blockchain-network- config. Yaml blockchain Config File under the network installation path../Fabric-Network/soft to the local. Enter the local storage path here, for example, "E: \ blockchain-network- config. Yaml" ".
  2. Dataset Name: Dataset name of the record to be added.
  3. Query Conditions: Filter conditions in the format of "Key": "Value", for example: "ID": "2121".
  4. Value to be modified: to modify the filtered records, enter the key value to be modified and the modified value in JSON format { "SmGeometry": "geoWK T-type coordinate value", "Field name": numeric field value, "Field name": "text field value" }
     Query Conditions is ID: 2121 { "SmGeometry": "POINT (113. 6608463142181523 34. 7613215641321056)", "NAME": "Renmin Park" }//Modify the record of ID = 2121. SmGeometry field value is changed to POINT (113. 6608463142181523 34. 7613215641321056), and Name field value is changed to People's Park.  
  5. After setting, click "Run".

Related topics

blockchain Data Management

Create a new blockchain Dataset

Add a blockchain record

UDB/UDBX-> blockchain

SHP-> blockchain