Import SHP data

Instructions for use

SuperMap iDesktopX supports the import of SHP data in the space blockchain.

Operating instructions

  1. SHP file path: The storage path of the SHP file, for example, "E: \ Point. SHP". ".
  2. SHPDataset Name: The imported SHPDataset name, usually the SHP file name.
  3. YamlFile Path: After the blockchain network is set up, copy the blockchain-network- config. Yaml blockchain Config File under the network installation path../Fabric-Network/soft to the local. Enter the local storage path here, for example, "E: \ blockchain-network- config. Yaml" ".
  4. Target Dataset Name: The imported Dataset Name, which can be customized.
  5. Append or not: It is used to determine whether to execute the import when the imported Dataset Name is the same as the existing Dataset Name in the blockchain. The value can be "false" or "true":
    • When "false" is filled in, if the imported Dataset Name is consistent with the existing Dataset Name in the blockchain, the import will not be executed;
    • When "true" is filled in, if the imported Dataset Name is consistent with the existing Dataset Name in the blockchain, the imported Dataset record will be added to the blockchain Existing data set.
  6. After setting, click "Run".

Related topics

blockchain Data Management

UDB/UDBX-> blockchain