Blockchain Data Management

Instructions for use

SuperMap iDesktopX supports adding Dataset and data records, modifying data records, and uploading *.UDB/UDBX and *.shp data to the blockchain.

Operating instructions

  • Create Dataset: It is used to manage the data with the same space type and attribute type on the space blockchain.
  • Add record: Add Data record in Dataset. The structure of data record shall be consistent with the structure defined by Dataset.
  • Modify Record: Modify the record in Specify Dataset.
  • Data Import: Simple geometric and attribute data can be added one by one. When the amount of data in the file is large, the file needs to be imported directly. At present, SuperMap iDesktopX supports *.UDB/UDBX and *.SHP file to import spatial blockchain.

Related topics

Create a new blockchain Dataset

Add a blockchain record

Modify the blockchain record

UDB/UDBX-> blockchain

SHP-> blockchain