Create Dataset

Instructions for use

SuperMap iDesktopX supports Create Dataset on the space blockchain to manage data records consistent with the space and Attribute Structure.

Operating instructions

  1. YamlFile Path: After the blockchain network is set up, copy the blockchain-network- config. Yaml blockchain Config File under the network installation path../Fabric-Network/soft to the local. Enter the local storage path here, for example, "E: \ blockchain-network- config. Yaml" ".
  2. Dataset Name: Custom Dataset Name.
  3. Dataset Type: Set the Dataset Type. The supported types include 2D and 3D point, line and surface, attribute table, Model Data and undefined type data. Corresponding input: POINT, LINE, REGION, POINTZ, LINEZ, REGIONZ, TABULAR, MODEL, UNKNOWN.
  4. Dataset Bounds: Set the latitude and longitude range covered by Dataset. For example, the maximum global range needs to be entered: -180, 90, 180, -90.
  5. Projection epsg Code: Set DatasetProjected Coordinate. Only epsg code is supported. Enter the epsg number corresponding to the projection, for example, enter 4545. Indicates the Projected Coordinate System "CGCS2000/3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 108E", the default epsg code is 3857, indicating "WGS 84/Ps Eudo-Mercator", When the input epsg number is illegal, epsg will be assigned to the default value of 3857.
  6. Select Fields: Select Fields included in the custom Dataset. The fields are in JSON format. Field and Type are required. For example: { "test1": "Int32", "test2": "int64" }.
  7. After setting, click "Run".

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blockchain Data Management

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Modify the blockchain record

UDB/UDBX-> blockchain

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