Configure Dock Bars

The relevant configuration content for Dock Bars must be placed in the < dockbar >.. tag.

    <dockbar title="Output Window" id="outputFrame" visible="true" dockDirection="bottom" dockState="minimized"
    <dockbar title="Workspace Manager" id="workspaceComponentManager" visible="true" dockDirection="leftTop"
             dockState="normal" component="com.supermap.desktop.controls.ui.WorkspaceComponentManager"/>
    <dockbar title="Layer Manager" id="layersComponentManager" visible="true" dockDirection="leftBottom" dockState="normal"
    <dockbar title="属性" id="dataPropertyContainer" visible="false" dockDirection="right" dockState="normal"

Each Dock Bars corresponds to a < dockbar > in the Config File … tag, add Dock Bars to the interface, just add < dockbar > … tag, and set the attributes of the tag accordingly to complete the addition of Dock Bars in the interface. To add multiple Dock Bars, add multiple < dockbar > accordingly … tag, detailed below < dockbar > … Meaning and function of each attribute of the tag:

  • Title: The title of Dock Bars.
  • DockState: Specifies the docking mode of Dock Bars. There are four values for this attribute: normal, minimized, maximized, and float. The default is normal.
  • Dock Direction: Specify the docking position when Dock Bars is docked, that is, the position relative to the main window. There are four values of this attribute: left, right, bottom and top, which respectively represent the left, right, bottom and top positions relative to the main window.
  • Visible: Specifies whether the Dock Bars are visible. When the value of this attribute is true, it means visible. When the value of this attribute is false, it means invisible.
  • Component: The control class embedded in Dock Bars, that is, the name of the program file where the class bound to dockBar is located. The value of this property must be set correctly.

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