ArcGIS Migration

Based on the ArcGIS platform to apply conventional GIS applications, mainly through the data processing capabilities provided by ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap), geospatial data are stored and managed through Geodatabase. Users can directly read Geodatabase data through ArcObjects or ArcGIS Engine to develop desktop application systems to achieve C/S architecture industry applications, and can also map Geodatabase data according to industry specifications. The map documents (MXD) are generated and published as ArcGIS REST service through ArcGIS Server, and the map service is called by Web application based on Javascript API provided by ArcGIS to realize the industry application of B/S architecture. At the same time, it also supports the generation of map cache through the map cutting tool provided by ArcMap, and publishes cache-based map services to improve the access efficiency of Web applications.

SuperMap can migrate ArcGIS platform data from data management, map documents, map tiles and map services.

  • Data management: In general, the data is stored and managed based on the Geodatabase data model of ArcGIS, and the Geodatabase model contains many specific sub-data models such as surface, network, mosaic dataset, etc.; Therefore, it is necessary to replace the data model supported by Geodatabase with the data model corresponding to SuperMap; on the other hand, these data are actually stored in the form of personal, file or enterprise Geodatabase, so it is necessary to convert these physical storage forms into the physical storage forms corresponding to SuperMap.
  • Map Document: ArcGIS stores a large amount of map information through MXD files, which involves colors, symbols, styles, labels, different types of thematic maps, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to translate and express the relevant object information originally stored in MXD involving different industry mapping requirements and specifications through the mapping elements of SuperMap, and store it in the file format of SuperMap map documents.
  • Map tiles: SuperMap provides the ability to read the ArcGIS map tiles package and parse and display the map tiles.
  • Map Service: In the upper Web application, it mainly invokes the REST service published by ArcGIS Server, and these services include many different service types, such as map service, element service, analysis service, etc. At the same time, considering that the cost of platform replacement is less than that of upper application replacement, Therefore, under the condition that the upper application (developed by ArcGIS API) remains unchanged, it is necessary to publish the REST service type corresponding to ArcGIS through the SuperMap GIS server to support the calling of the upper application.

License Verification

Ensure the data migration module is deployed on your device. If it’s not, please refer to the ArcGIS Migration Configuration page.

When using the ArcGIS Migration module, SuperMap iDesktopX will automatically verify the presence of the required ArcGIS license on your computer. If a license is missing, you’ll see the following prompt: “ArcGIS license failed to load, please check the license status.” The required licenses vary depending on the ArcGIS version installed:

  • ArcGIS versions 10.4, 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8: An ArcServer license is required.
  • Other ArcGIS versions: An Advanced license is required.

Check data

When migrating ArcGIS data or maps, SuperMap iDesktopX checks the data types and layer types that are migrated. The data and layer types that SuperMap supports for migration are as follows:

Support importing the corresponding relationship between ArcGIS data type and SuperMap data type:

ArcGIS data types SuperMap data type
esriDTFeatureDataset 2D, 3D point-line-surface text dataset
esriDTFeatureClass 2D, 3D point-line-surface text dataset
esriDTTable Property sheet
esriDTRasterDataset image dataset
esriDTNetworkDataset Network dataset
esriDTMosaicDataset mosaic dataset

Support importing the corresponding relationship between ArcGIS vector layer type and SuperMap layer type:

ArcGIS vector layers SuperMap vector layer
SimpleRenderer Normal vector layer
UniqueValueRenderer Single value thematic map
ChartRenderer Statistical thematic maps
ClassBreaksRenderer Segmented thematic map
FDOGraphicsLayer Normal text layer

Support importing the corresponding relationship between ArcGIS raster layer type and SuperMap layer type:

ArcGIS raster layer SuperMap grid layer
RasterUniqueValueRenderer Raster single-value thematic map
RasterClassifyColorRampRenderer Grid segmented thematic map
IRasterStretchColorRampRenderer Normal grid layer

Note: The following table shows the ArcGIS data types and layer types that are not supported to be imported:

Imported ArcGIS data types are not supported
Imported ArcGIS vector layers are not supported
Imported ArcGIS raster layers are not supported

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Data migration

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