ArcGIS Pro Migration

Function Description

Migrates project files (*.arpx) in ArcGIS Pro to Workspace files (*.smwu) in SuperMap iDesktopX, including maps, data, and symbols.

The migration of project files from ArcGIS Pro 2.x and 3.x versions is currently supported.

Function entrance

  • Data Migration tab-> ArcGIS Data Migration group-> APRX Migration.

Parameter Description

  • Source Data: Select the ARPX file to be migrated through the Add File and Add Folder buttons in the toolbar.
  • Import Settings
    • Containing Data: This check box is checked by default to export the data in the ARPX project. If Data Migration has been performed, this check box can be unchecked.
    • License verification: Data Migration requires a license for ArcGIS Pro related modules. Provide a Check button to verify that the currently selected license is valid. If the required license is missing from the computer, you will be prompted that a license was not found. It is recommended to select Default, and the license conditions of Default are as follows:
      • If the ArcGIS version on the computer is 10.4, 10.6, 10.7, or 10.8, the Default option is validated with the ArcServer license;
      • If the computer is using ArcGIS version 10.2, 10.3, or 10.5, the Default option uses Advanced's license for validation.
    • Character set: Set the corresponding character set type according to the character set of the MXD associated source data file.
  • Result Workspace

    Path: Set the Export Directory of Result Data.

    File Name: Set the File Name of the SuperMap Workspace after migration.


The Map Migration function requires the Licensing of ArcGIS related products.

Related content

Data Migration overview

Data Migration

Database migration

Service Migration