ArcGIS Pro Migration
Function Description
Migrates project files (*.arpx) in ArcGIS Pro to Workspace files (*.smwu) in SuperMap iDesktopX, including maps, data, and symbols.
The migration of project files from ArcGIS Pro 2.x and 3.x versions is currently supported.
Function entrance
- Data Migration tab-> ArcGIS Data Migration group-> APRX Migration.
Parameter Description
- Source Data: Select the ARPX file to be migrated through the Add File and Add Folder buttons in the toolbar.
- Import Settings:
- Containing Data: This check box is checked by default to export the data in the ARPX project. If Data Migration has been performed, this check box can be unchecked.
- License verification: Data Migration requires a license for ArcGIS Pro related modules. Provide a Check button to verify that the currently selected license is valid. If the required license is missing from the computer, you will be prompted that a license was not found. It is recommended to select Default, and the license conditions of Default are as follows:
- If the ArcGIS version on the computer is 10.4, 10.6, 10.7, or 10.8, the Default option is validated with the ArcServer license;
- If the computer is using ArcGIS version 10.2, 10.3, or 10.5, the Default option uses Advanced's license for validation.
- Character set: Set the corresponding character set type according to the character set of the MXD associated source data file.
- Result Workspace:
Path: Set the Export Directory of Result Data.
File Name: Set the File Name of the SuperMap Workspace after migration.
The Map Migration function requires the Licensing of ArcGIS related products.
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