Unique-values Map

Unique-Values Map uses the Attributes of a certain field (or multiple fields) of a layer to represent the difference between different attribute values through different symbols (line type or Fill symbol). Unique-values Map supports the creation of Unique-values maps for DGM layers and GRID layers. The Unique-values Map helps emphasize the differences in the types of data, but does not show quantitative information. Therefore, Unique-values Map is mostly used for maps with classification attributes, such as Land Use type, boundary line, administrative division map, etc.

Click the "Unique-values Map" button in the " Thematic Map" tab to directly generate the default Unique-values Map of the system. On this basis, the user can modify the Parameter Settings to make the Unique-values Map that meets the mapping requirements. The following figure shows the Unique-Values Map, which is based on the Property Field of the Land Use type. The filled areas in different colors represent different Land Use types.

Unique-values Map can be made based on any point, line or surface Vector Layer. When making a Unique-values Map, First, set the Vector Layer Settings to be Create Thematic Map as the current layer, that is, select the Vector Layer in the Layer Manager, and edit the thematic map made at the same time.

In particular, for the Unique-values Map of Point Dataset, if the Unique-values Style is a symbol, Marker Size and Rotation angle support the selection of Property Field. Single-value Style Settings for customization.

For more information on thematic map editing, see the Edit the thematic map .

There are two ways to create a Unique-values Map:


Only when the thematic value items of the layer do not exceed 3000, can Create a unique values thematic map. Be carried out through the above ways. Application does not perform the action of creating a Unique-values Map.

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