Batch Projection Transformation
Instructions for use
Batch Projection Transformation refers to the simultaneous Projection Transformation of multiple Datasets under the Datasource. After conversion, the coordinates of Specify Dataset are consistent with the coordinate system of Target Datasource.
Function entrance
- Start tab, Data Processing group, Projection Transformation group, Batch Projection Transformation group.
- Select Batch Projection Transformation in the Context Menu of Select Datasource in Workspace Manager.
Operating instructions
- List of source datasets: Import the Dataset that needs Batch Projection Transformation
through the Add button. Source Dataset, Datasource, Coordinate System, Target Dataset information are displayed in the list.
- Target Dataset:
- Datasource: Click the Datasource combo box Drop-down Button and select the Datasource to save the Projection Transformation ResultDataset.
- Target Coordinate System: used to display the Detail Description information of the Target Datasource coordinate system. The following points should be noted
- for the coordinate system of Source Datasource and Target Datasource:
- Projection Transformation is not supported for
- Planar Coordinate System. Dataset with coordinate system of Planar Coordinate System in Source Datasource will be automatically filtered in the Dataset List on the right. The coordinate system of Dataset can be set by right-clicking the "Coordinate System" page on the Properties Panel of Dataset.
- It is generally recommended that the Dataset coordinate system in Source Datasource should be consistent with that of Source Datasource. If the Source Datasource has a Dataset with a different coordinate system than Source Datasource, the actual coordinate system of the Dataset is used as the Source Coordinate System when the Dataset is actually converted.
- Target Datasource will automatically filter out the Datasource of Planar Coordinate System. The coordinate system of Datasource can be set in the coordinate system page on the Properties Panel of the right button of Datasource.
- Frame of Reference Conversion:
- Conversion method: Click the Drop-down Button on the right side of the "Conversion Method" tab, and the pop-up drop-down menu list displays more than ten reference system conversion methods provided by the system. The user can select an appropriate reference system conversion method. For a description of the conversion method, refer to the Description of reference frame conversion method .
- Projection Transformation Parameters: Select different transformation methods, and customize different parameters in the Parameter Settings "dialog box. Refer to the Dataset transform projection for Detail Description of Parameter Settings.
- complete, click the Convert button to complete the Projection Transformation. You can view the Projection Transformation Result in the Output Window.
Related topics
Dataset Projection Transformation
Model Transformation Parameter Calculation