Big Data Analysis Environment Configuration

SuperMap provides the function of big data Online Analysis, which can perform efficient and stable Online Analysis on data with large amount of data and more Object Count. Big Data Online Analysis relies on iServer service and is based on Spark computing platform. It can analyze data stored in distributed storage and supports data stored in HDFS, iServer DataStore and UDBx. At the same time, it also provides the functions of big data management, analysis, Map Cartography and mapping. Online Analysis features support: Simple Density Analysis, Kernel Density Analysis, Vector Clip Analysis, Single Query, Grid Region Aggregation Analysis, Polygon Aggregation Analysis, and scope summary analysis.

Big Data Online Analysis Service Configuration

If there is no Analysis Environment and data available before using the big data Online Analysis function, you need to configure the iServer service environment and data first. The configuration of the iServer service in Windows is described as follows:

  1. Obtain the iServer product package and start the iServer service (address:;
  2. Access the http://localhost:8090/iserver/ in the browser, and follow the prompts to complete the steps of Create Administrator Account, Check System Environment, Configure License, and Configure Demonstration Service. Click the Service Manager address in the Finish step.
  3. Select the Configure Cluster option of the Cluster group in the directory on the left side of the page;
  4. Check the Service Cluster and Distributed Computing Cluster check boxes, and click the Create Cluster button to complete the creation of the cluster.
  5. Note:
    • the Enable Security option is checked, Password Settings can be performed for the cluster.
    • The Add Local Node or Not option is required by default and cannot be changed. By default, the existing nodes of the local machine are added to the newly created cluster.

  6. At this point, the system automatically jumps to the Cluster Overview option page, where the cluster information we just created is displayed. See the following figure:
  7. Switch to the Distributed Analysis option in the directory on the left side of the page, check the Enable Distributed Analysis Service check box, and select Local Distributed Computing Cluster in the Select Distributed Computing Cluster step.
  8. Click the Generate Token button on the right side of the Associate Service Token parameter in the Start Distributed Analysis Service step to jump to the Generate Token page, enter the iServer administrator user name and password, and select the client ID type. It is recommended to select Client IP and enter the IP Address of the local machine in the client IP, and click the Generate Token button;
  9. Copy the generated token to the Associated Service Token Parameter Input box, and click the Start button below to complete the environment configuration.

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