Check Boundary

Instructions for use

During the extraction of Merge Tiles, Tile boundaries may be missing or black due to transparent Tiles, opaque Tiles, etc. Check Boundary is used to check whether the Tile where the Border Dataset is located has errors. At the same time, it supports custom TileError Type, which is convenient for manual verification of Check Result, and helps to repair or re-produce the boundary Tile in time.

Function entrance

Data tab-> Data Management group-> Check Boundary.

Operating instructions

  1. Set the following parameter information in the Check Boundary dialog box:
    • Checking Mode: Support two modes: New Task or Continue Checking Task. New Task can set Bounds Data:; The Continue Checking Task is checked based on the last checked Bounds Data:. Bounds Data: cannot be set.
    • Local Tiles: If this check box is checked, the MongoDB Tile check box is not available, and you need to click the selection button on the right to add.sci file data.
    • Mongo Tile: If this check box is checked, the Local Tiles check box is not selectable, and you need to click the Add MongoDB Tile "button on the right to enter the Load MongoDB Tiles" dialog box. Set the server address, Database Name, user name and password in the dialog box, and select the Tile to be checked in Tile Name.
    • Bounds Data: Source and Border Dataset: Select Bounds Data: Datasource and Dataset. Only Line Dataset is supported.
    • Check Result: Set the storage path of Check Result.
  2. After Parameter Settings, click OK to jump to the Check Boundary window.
  3. The following check information is displayed in the Check Boundary window:
    • Tile Info:: Displays the Basic Info of Check Tiles, including tile file, tile type:, tile format, The size of tiles, coordinate system, etc.
    • Tile Marker is used to manage TileErrors, including managing the tag template, checking the TileError Type, and the display of the tag list. The detailed description is as follows:
      • Level: Select the level of the Tile to be marked or checked.
      • Data Export: Export the grid of the error Tile as a Dataset, which is used to set the range of the re-produced Tile.
      • Template: refers to the template for marking the error Tile. The system provides six templates: Error Content E, Missing W, White Image A, Black Image S, Transparent D and White Line F. The user can select the More.. item through the Drop-down Button on the right side of the template or select the Template Management button to add or Delete the template.
      • Template Management: It is used to manage the template information of the error Tile, and supports addition or deletion.
      • Mark: Provide a list of marks to view Tile and Mark Type. You can check TileError Type through the Correct and Error buttons. The Show All, Only Display Errors, and Only Display Unmarked Item buttons control the display of Tiles in the tag list. Select and mark the meshes in batch by using the Arbitrary Polygon and Rectangle buttons of the Custom Marker.
      • Tile Info: Tile total number, check number and error number of each level are displayed in the list.

Application example

Taking Map Tiles of Tourism Resources Distribution Map as an example, the Tile near the border of Hunan Province in the 1155583 level Tile is checked. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Bounds Data: Preparation: Create a Border Line Dataset. The coordinate system of the Border Dataset should be consistent with the Tile coordinate system.
  2. Execute Check Boundary: Use the Check Boundary function to generate the Tile grid to be checked. The Check Boundary dialog box Parameter Settings is shown in the following figure:

  3. Tag Tile:
    • In the Check Boundary panel-& gt; In the Tile Marker group, select the level of Check Tiles.
    • Select the tag template, left-click to select the Tile of the tag in Map, and right-click to end.
  4. Show Results: export the Grid Info of the error Tile as Dataset through the Data Export button, display it on the original map of Generate Tiles, and check the Spatial Data information.
  5. Fix Error Tile: Check the map itself for black line errors according to the exported Error Tile grid and Error Type.
    • If there is a black line, re-assign the error Tile BoundsGenerate Tiles after modifying the black line data in the map.
    • If there is no black line, check whether the display of Windows is 100% when cutting the image. If the display is not 100%, there may be Display Exceptions such as white line and black line.

    The black error is that the Windows display is 125%, resulting in an abnormal black line when cutting the image. After changing the Windows display to 100%, cut the Tile again, and the Tile display is normal.

Related topics

Tile Management

Tile check

Erase Outside Tile