Video Output supports the Video Dataset Export as Image, Image Dataset. The image of Video Output can be used as a sample library for Model Training samples by drawing labels.
Operating instructions
- Export as Image:
Click Video Map tab-& gt Manage Video group-& gt Video Output Drop-down Button and select Export as Image.
On the Output Video as Pictures dialog, set the time interval (sec) and the Output Image path, and click OK to export a picture in.png format.
- Export as Image Dataset:
Click Video Map tab-& gt Manage Video group-& gt Video Output Drop-down Button and select Export as Image Dataset.
In the Output Video as Image Dataset dialog, set the time interval (second) and the Datasource where the output Image Dataset is stored, and then click the OK button to export the Image Dataset.
Note: The exported Image Dataset comes with the Video Dataset Parameters, and the Image Dataset exported from the registered Video Dataset can be superimposed to the corresponding position in the Online Map for display. The Image Dataset exported from the unregistered Video Dataset can carry the Parameters of the Video Dataset, but cannot be superimposed on the corresponding position in the Online Map for display.