Version Control Basic Vocabulary
Vocabulary Vocabulary description
Default version The default version, which is the original version of Datasource, records the initial state of the data. Editing the default version directly is generally not allowed. Updates to the default version Commit Changes can only be made through a subversion.
Subversion A Datasource version created by another version. The data in the initial state is the same as the parent version. The data edited in the child version can be submitted to the parent version.
Parent version Corresponding to the sub-version, the sub-version can be created based on the version, and the data submitted by the fused sub-version can be received.
Register Version This is an operation on Dataset. Version Control can be performed only after DatasetRegister Version. Changes recorded under this Dataset can only be viewed under this version.
Create a version Is a version creation of Datasource, and a version contains All Data of the Current Data source. This can include both versioned and unversioned Datasets. Data changes in a versioned Dataset follow the version. Data changes in this version cannot be viewed in other versions. Data changes in an unversioned Dataset are not restricted by the version.
Versioning Register the Dataset as a version.
Version coordination The coordination process is to compare the current edition version with the Target Version, and update the changes of the Target Version to the current edition version. During the update process, if there is a conflict between the Target Version and the edition version, the conflict will be reported.
Conflict It means that the current edit version and Target Version have changed the same detection object during the reconciliation process, and this situation is reported as a conflict.
Version submission Merge the data changes under the current edit version into the Target Version. The commit operation can be completed only if no modifications have been made to the Target Version after the reconciliation operation. If the Target Version is modified during this time, it must be reconciled again before submission.
Historical Moment Add the current time to the Historical Moment. After selecting the time record in the Historical Moment list, click the Trace button to view the Data Information of the time; Or select the Trace after the time through Specified Time to view the Data Information of the time.

Related topics

Version Control overview

Register Version

Version Control

Switch Version

Version submission

Handle Conflict