Isolines from Click

Instructions for use

The Isolines from Click extracts all isolines equal to the elevation value at the mouse click position.

  • The Source Dataset used to extract the contours must be a DEM or Gird Dataset.

Application Example

Open the Terrain "Datasource under the Exercise Data/Raster Analysis folder, and there is DGM data with a resolution of 5 meters, which we will use as an example.

Function entrance

  • On the Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> Isolines from Click;

Operating instructions

  1. Move the mouse to the map. At this time, the mouse status will turn into a cross. Click on the map to select one or more points to extract the isoline, as shown in the following figure:
  2. After selection, right click to pop up the Isolines from Click "dialog box, in which the coordinate value and grid value of the selected point are displayed;
  3. Set public parameters for extracting contours, including resampling coefficient, smoothing method and Smoothness in Target Dataset and Parameter Settings. For a description of the parameters, see Public Parameter Description .
  4. Click the "OK" button to complete the contour extraction operation. The result is shown in the following figure.
  5. Figure: Isolines from Click result

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