SuperMap provides three ways to Extract Isosurface and two ways to Extract Isosurface. They have some common parameters. The specific meanings of these parameters are as follows.
Public Parameter Settings
- Source Data
- Target Dataset
- Parameter Settings
Datasource: The Datasource where the Dataset to be isoline/face extracted is located.
Dataset: Dataset to be isoline/face extracted.
After the Datasource of the extraction operation is selected, the system will automatically filter the Dataset and display only the DEM Dataset and Grid Dataset under the Datasource.
Datasource: The Datasource where the extracted isoline/Region Dataset is to be stored.
Dataset: Name of the Dataset to be saved for isoline/face operation results. If the entered Dataset Name already exists, you will be prompted with Invalid dataset name and need to re-enter it.
Resampling factor: relates to the resampling distance when Extract Isolines/Areas. The resample distance is equal to the resample factor times the resolution of the Raster Dataset. This parameter is used to control the number of sampling control points when extracting the contour. The recommended value is 0 to 1 times the grid resolution, and the default value is 0. The larger the value of this parameter, the fewer control points the contour has.
Smoothing method: The contour is generated by interpolating the original Raster Data and then connecting the contour points. Therefore, the result is a broken line with sharp edges and corners. Smooth Line is required to simulate the real contour.
The isosurface is generated by interpolating the original Raster Data, connecting the isopoints to obtain the isoline, and then closing the adjacent isolines, so the result is a polygonal surface with clear edges and corners, and a certain Smooth Line is also needed to simulate the real isosurface.
SuperMap provides two smoothing methods: B-spline and corner grinding. You can also select not to process, and the system will not perform Smooth Line on the extracted isoline or isosurface boundary line.
Smoothness: Both the B-spline method and the angle grinding method make the extracted contour smoother with the increase of the Smoothness. Of course, the larger the Smoothness is, the more time and memory are required for calculation. Smoothness is in the range 0, 5. A value of 0 or 1 indicates that Smooth Line is not performed, and it is generally recommended to set Smoothness to 3.