Create a new linetype symbol

You can extend the line symbol resources in the Line Symbol Library by creating a new line symbol. The following details how to complete the basic process of creating a new linetype symbol.

  1. In the Line Symbol Library selector, select a symbol grouping in the symbol grouping structure tree. By default, the new symbol is added to the symbol path currently displayed in the symbol library selector. Here, select the symbol root group;
  2. In the symbol library selector, click the New button. The Linear Symbol Editor opens, where you can create a new linear symbol;

    Here, the new symbol number and Symbol Name must be specified, and the new symbol must contain at least one sub-line, that is, the new symbol cannot be empty, so that a new linear symbol can be successfully created by clicking the OK button in the Linear Symbol Editor. The newly created linetype symbol appears in the list of current linetype symbols in the Line Symbol Library selector.

  3. Sets the Attributes of the new linetype symbol. The Symbol Properties that must be specified are: Symbol Number and Symbol Name;
    • Symbol Number: The symbol number is used to uniquely identify the symbol in the symbol library. In the same symbol library, the number of the new symbol cannot be the same as the number of the existing symbol in the symbol library.
    • Symbol Name: The Show name of the symbol in the symbol library. In the same symbol library, the symbol name can have the same name.
  4. In the Subline Management area, click the Add button in the toolbar to add a sub-line, as shown in the above figure;

    For further development of linetype symbols, see related content in the Linear Symbol Editor .

  5. You can further set the style of the sub-line or add other sub-lines. There is no further operation here. Click the OK button in the Linear Symbol Editor to complete the creation of the simple line type symbol. The new line type symbol will appear in the current Line Symbol Library.

The newly created line type symbol can be edited again to further improve the line type symbol. Just select the line type symbol in the Line Symbol Library selector and click the Edit button to open the line type symbol in the Linear Symbol Editor for further editing.

The linetype symbols created in the symbol library will be finally saved in the symbol library through the following ways:

  • If the current symbol library is the Line Symbol Library in the resource collection of Workspace, you can save the new symbol to the Line Symbol Library by saving the Workspace;
  • By exporting the current Line Symbol Library in the Line Symbol Library selector to a Line Symbol Library file, you can save the newly created linetype symbol to the Line Symbol Library file, and subsequently, You can load the Line Symbol Library file to obtain a new line type symbol.