
Instructions for use

The Shadow module in the Scene Effects panel needs to be used in conjunction with the Shadow Model in the Layer Context Menu. Change the shadow effect of objects in the scene by adjusting the shadow density, visible distance, split point lamda value, and sharpening procedure.

Other Parameters of this function are only supported by the 3D Scene rendering engine V2 , except for the shadow density and the visible distance.

Function entrance

  • Scene Tab-> Properties Group-> Scene Properties Button-> Scene Properties Panel-> Advanced Options-> Shadow Module

Operation steps

  1. After Open Scene, adjust the Shadow Display Mode of the object in the specified layer in the scene through the Shadow Model of the layer Context Menu.
  2. Click the Scene tab-> Properties group-> Scene Properties button, In the pop-up Scene Properties panel, find the light and shadow module in the advanced options, and set the specific parameter values as required to achieve the ideal shadow effect.
    • Shadow Density: It is used to adjust the shade of shadow color. The value range is 0-1. When the value is 0, the shadow density is the darkest. As the value increases, the color gradually becomes lighter. When the value is 1, the shadow density is the lightest.
    • Visible Distance: Sets the maximum visible distance value (the distance between the observation point and the object) of the object shadow in the 3D layer, in meters. If the distance value between the current observation point in the scene and the object is greater than this distance value, the object shadow will not be visible in this 3D layer.
    • Split point lamda value: used to adjust the split point lamda value of the cascade shadow of the main light source of the scene. The value range is 0-1. Cascading shadows can be used to solve the problem of poor visualization of shadows.
        If the
      • value is 0, it means that the cascade shadow is divided by equal distance, which is conducive to improving the clarity of the shadow at a longer distance.
      • When the
      • value is 1, it means that the exponential segmentation cascades the shadow, which is conducive to improving the clarity of the shadow near.
      • A value in
      • between represents a blend of the two Segmentation Types.
    • Sharpness: The value range is 0-1. It is used to improve the clarity of the shadow boundary and reduce the softness of the boundary. It may produce faint jaggies. When the value is 1, the sharpest boundary is expressed, that is, the sharpness of the shadow boundary is the highest. The smaller the value is, the lower the sharpness is. The default value is 0.
    • Depth offset: Reduce or eliminate the influence of shadow by adjusting the depth offset of shadow. The value range is 0-1, and the default value is 0. Self-shadowing is a phenomenon in which shadows overlap or are cast onto the object itself due to the object itself.