Set the height mode

Extrude Settings group of the Style Settings tab, which sets the height mode for 3D layers of the Vector Dataset type.

Figure: Setting the Height Mode

Setting method of height mode

  1. The 3D Layer Settings of the Vector Dataset type of the height mode will be set as the current layer. The default height mode in the scene is ground mode.
  2. When the height mode is set to Non-Ground, select Data Type from above or below ground.
  3. Set the height mode of the selected 3D layer of Vector Dataset type through the Height Mode combo box in the Extrude Settings "group. The drop-down list of the combo box lists the supported height modes (Relative to Ground or Absolute). The user can select to set the altitude mode as required. For a description of the various height modes, see the About the height mode .


The functional controls in the Extrude Settings "group are available only if the current layer is a 3D layer of type Vector Dataset, and the height mode in the Extrude Settings" group of the Style Settings "tab > is set to non-on-ground mode. The settings are valid.