Tile Management

Instructions for use

SuperMap iDesktop supports the management of MongoDB Tile Data. Through the visual interface, load and view the scale, coordinate system, Tile Type:, Tile Bounds, and Tile Info: of MongoDB Tile. At the same time, management operations such as merging and deleting are supported.

Function entrance

Map tab-> Data-> Tile Management button to pop up the MongoDB Tile Management window.

Operating instructions

It is recommended to create a new blank Map before adding a Tile, otherwise the added Tile will be superimposed on the current Map.

  1. Add MongoDB Tile: Click the Add button in the panel toolbar to pop up the Add MongoDB Tile dialog box, and the user enters the MongoDB Server Name and Database Name to select the Tile Data to be added. Click OK to add to the Tile list area.
    • In the Tile Management panel, you can view the Tile's Details, including Tile Type:, coordinate system, scale, and source point Details. If the Tile has multiple versions, you can switch between different versions.
    • At the same time, the scope of the Tile Data can be browsed in the Map window.
  2. Remove added Tile: Select a tile to be removed, and click the Remove button in the panel toolbar to remove the selected tile from the current list.
  3. Merge Tiles: supports the merging of tiles stored in different MongoDB databases, MongoDB Tiles that can be Merge to Existing Tile, or Merge to New MongoDB databases. See the Merge Tiles page for details.
  4. Delete Tile Data: Click the "Delete" button in the toolbar to delete the data of the selected tile from the database. Note: This operation is to delete the Tile in the MongoDB database. Once the Tile is deleted, it is unrecoverable.

Related topics

Merge Tiles

Map Tiles