View Works pace Propertie.

interface allows you to view the Attributes of the Current Workspace. This includes the location of the Workspace and the Statistic Infomation of the Datasource, maps, layouts, etc., contained within the Current Workspace.

In the Workspace Manager, select the Workspace whose Attributes you want to view, and in the Context Menu, select Attributes. The specific operation steps are as follows:

  1. After entering from the above function entry, the Properties panel pops up on the right side of the interface.
  2. There are two options in the Properties panel: Workspace Propertie and Statistics:
    • Workspace Proper tie: Displays the Current Workspace name, alias, type, version, and Description. You can do things like Add a Description of WorkSpace and change the password for Current Workspace.
    • Statistics: Display Statistic Infomation of Data source, map, layout, etc. In Current Workspace.

  • Workspace alias is the Show Name of Workspace in Workspace Manager and supports modification in Workspace Propertie. You can also modify the Workspace alias through the Workspace Manager panel-> Works pace Node Context Menu-> Modify Alias option.
  • If you need to modify the name of a Workspace stored in the Local Files folder, you can find the corresponding Workspace information through the Catalog Management panel and modify it using the rename function in the Context Menu. Cannot Renames..
  • if Workspace is open in the current desktop program

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