Create Image Pyramid

Function Description

Dataset supporting Create Image Pyramid includes image, Raster Dataset, and Raster File opened directly in the form of Datasource (tiff, TIF, and IMG formats are currently supported).

Function entrance

  • Start tab-> Data Processing group-> Image Pyramid-> Image Pyramid Manager dialog.
  • Workspace Manager-> Context Menu for Image (or raster) Dataset-> Create Image Pyramid-> Image Pyramid Manager Dialog.
  • Toolbox-> Data Management-> Create Pyramid-> Create Image Data Pyramid/Create Raster Data Pyramid.

Parameter Description

  • Dataset: The Dataset Name of the Create Image Pyramid.
  • Datasource: The Datasource where the Dataset of the Create Image Pyramid is located.
  • Image Pyramid: Displays the Whether to create Image Pyramid of the data. If it has been created, it displays Yes; otherwise, it displays No.
  • Width and Height: display the resolution of the image or Raster Dataset.
  • Calculator Method: The program provides the following resampling methods:
    • Nearest, take the nearest pixel value in the input Raster Dataset or Image Dataset as the input value, and assign it to the corresponding pixel of Export Dataset.
    • Average, calculate the average of all valid values for resampling calculation.

Related topics

Image Pyramid Principle

Modify/Delete Image Pyramid.