Dataset overview

Concept of Dataset

Dataset is one of the basic organizational units of SuperMap GIS Spatial Data and the smallest unit of data organization. Dataset can be visualized in Map as a layer. The visual editing of Dataset is also realized through Map, such as the spatial position and shape of Geometry in Edit Dataset or obtaining New Dataset through vectorization.

All Data sets opened in Workspace are stored in Datasource, independent of Workspace.

For grids and Image Datasets, they are displayed in the Map as images based on their stored pixel values.

A Datasource can contain multiple Datasets of various types, which can be managed through the Datasource in Workspace. Include Create Dataset or importing data from other sources as Dataset and Other Operations.

For more information about GIS data, see Introduction to GIS Data.

The type of Dataset

Dataset types of SuperMap GIS include: Point Dataset (Point), Line Dataset (Line), Region Dataset (Region), Tabular Dataset (Tabular), Network Dataset(Network)、CAD(CAD)、Text Dataset(Text)、Route Dataset(LineM)、Image Dataset(Image)、Raster Dataset(Grid)、 Model Dataest (Model), Video Dataset (Video), Mosaic Dataset (Mosaic), and 3D Point, Line, Region Dataset.

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Create Dataset