Measure Distance Principle

Instructions for use

Measure Distance calculates the shortest distance between a point object and another point, line, or face object, that is, the closest distance between two objects. The Analyst Result is output to the attribute table, which records the IDs of the source object and the neighboring object and the distance between the two objects. The following points should be noted when performing Measure Distance:

  • The coordinate systems of Source Dataset and Proximity Data Set must be the same coordinate system to perform Measure Distance. The Distance Unit of Calculate Result is consistent with the DatasetUnit.
  • When there are multiple adjacent objects with the same distance from the source object, the ID and distance of these adjacent objects will be recorded in the Result Table.
  • When two objects are included or overlapped, the distance between the two objects is zero.
  • If the calculated object has a face object, the distance is calculated by the boundary of the face object, and if another object is within the face object, the distance is zero.

Measure Distance principle

  1. The distance between two point objects is the line connecting the two points The distance between

    two points is the line distance between the two points. If Closest Distance is calculated, the distance from the source point to the adjacent point is calculated, and the nearest one or more equidistant adjacent points are output as the result.

    between point objects
    Figure 1: Distance
  2. The distance from the point object to the line object is the distance from the point to the perpendicular of the line or the nearest node The shortest distance between a

    point and a segment is the perpendicular from the point to the segment. If a perpendicular cannot be drawn between the two endpoints of the segment, the distance from the point to the nearest endpoint is the shortest distance. When the polyline has multiple segments, first determine the segment closest to the point, and calculate the distance from the point to the line as shown in Figure 3 below.

  3. The distance from the point object to the face object is the distance from the point to the perpendicular of the face boundary or the nearest node

    A face object is a closed area surrounded by a series of line segments. Therefore, to calculate the distance from a point to a face, first determine the line segment closest to the point, and then use the method shown in Figure 3 above to calculate the distance from the point to the line, that is, the distance from the point to the face object. The distance value is positive if the point is not within the face object, and zero if the point is within the face object. As shown in the following figure, points 2 and 4 have a zero distance from the face, and points 1 and 3 have a positive distance from the face.

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