Measure Distance Application Example

Subject: Calculate the nearest hospital and distance between Changchun and the school

Data Preparation: Data of schools and hospitals in Changchun

Operation steps:

  1. Through the "Measure Distance" option, calculate the ID and distance of the nearest hospital to the school, select the school Point Dataset for the source data, select the hospital Point Dataset for the Proximity Data, and the calculation method is Closest Distance. Other Parameters Default.
  2. The result is the attribute table data, which records the school ID, the nearest hospital ID and the distance information. Append the Hospital _ ID and Distance Select Fields in the Result Table to the Point Dataset of the school through the "Append Column" function. of the nearest hospital of the school
    Figure: Distance Result Table
    Figure: Add the ID and distance
  3. According to the ID number of the hospital, add the corresponding hospital name to the Point Dataset of the school. The specific Parameter Settings are as follows:
    Figure: Adding Hospital Name to School Data
  4. After the above operations of appending columns are completed, the school point data contains the ID, name and distance information of hospitals. Make a matrix Thematic Label Map for School Dataset, which can intuitively reflect the name, distance and other information of the nearest hospital of the school. The results are as follows: between them
    Figure: The nearest hospital to the school and the distance
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