Inverse Cut Fill

Instructions for use

Inverse Cut Fill calculates the cut and fill level based on the specified Dataset Bounds to be cut and filled and the given volume of fill or cut. Where, the elevation value after filling is the elevation of the filled area, and the elevation value after excavation is the elevation of the excavated area.

Application scenario

Given the Raster Data before the fill and the volume to be filled within the Layer Bounds, the elevation value after the fill or cut is derived. For example, an area of a construction site needs to be filled, and now it is known that a certain place can provide earthwork with a volume of V. At this time, Inverse Cut Fill can be used to calculate the elevation of the construction area after this batch of earth is filled into the construction area. Then it can be judged whether the construction requirements are met and whether it is necessary to continue filling.

Function entrance

  • Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis group-> Surface Analysis-> Inverse Cut Fill;
  • Toolbox-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> Terrain Calculation-> Inverse Cut Fill;

Parameter Description

  • Source data: Set the source data to be filled and excavated.
    • Datasource: Select the Datasource where the Raster Dataset to be excavated is located.
    • Dataset: select the Raster Dataset to be filled and excavated.
  • Parameter Settings: Sets the mass haul type and volume.
    • Filling and Excavation Type: two types of Filling and Excavation are provided, and one of them can be selected according to actual requirements.
    • Mass Haul Volume: Used to set the volume of mass or haul in square meters multiplied by the units of the grid value for the mass haul grid.
  • Cut Fill Areas: Set the fill and haul area by selecting Region Dataset. Cut Fill Areas is the actual geographical area of the area objects in the Region Dataset. When multiple objects are included, it is the union area of multiple objects.
  • Calculate Result:
    • Elevation: display the elevation value after excavation. If the calculation type is fill, the elevation value after filling is the minimum elevation of the calculation area; if the calculation type is cut, the elevation value after cutting is the maximum elevation of the calculation area. The unit is the same as the grid value unit of the grid to be cut and filled.

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