Fill and cut

Instructions for use

Use to describe the change in volume and area between two Raster Datasets (Before Cut Fill and After Cut FillRaster Dataset. "Fill" indicates an increase in surface area material. "Cut" indicates a decrease in surface area material. The Calculate Result for Mass Haul is obtained by subtracting the After Cut Fill data from the Before Cut Fill data. For an introduction to the principles and methods of mass haul, see the Table Surface Cut Fill section of About Surface Analysis.

There are a few things to note about the two input Raster Dataset and Result Dataset:

  1. Two input Raster Datasets are required to have the same coordinate and projection system to ensure that the same place has the same coordinate. If the Coordinate System of two input Raster Datasets is inconsistent, it is likely to produce wrong results.
  2. In theory, it is required that the Spatial ranges of the two Raster datasets input are also consistent. For two Raster Datasets with inconsistent Spatial ranges, only the results of the table Surface Cut Fill in their overlapping regions are computed.
  3. If the pixel value of a Raster Dataset involved in the calculation is null, the pixel value of the Result Dataset is also null.

Function entrance

  • On the Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> Mass Haul;
  • Toolbox-> Raster Analysis Tools-> Surface Analysis-> Terrain Calculation-> Mass Haul. (iDesktopX)

Main parameters

  • Set up a Raster Dataset for Before Cut Fill.
    • Datasource: All the Datasources in the Current Workspace are listed. Select the Datasource where the Before Cut FillRaster Dataset is located.
    • Dataset: Lists all Raster Dataset (GRID) in the Current Data source. Select the Before Cut FillRaster Dataset in the list. The Dataset selected in Workspace Manager is automatically located here.
  • Set up a Raster Dataset for After Cut Fill.
    • Datasource: All the Datasources in the Current Workspace are listed. Select the Datasource where the After Cut FillRaster Dataset is located. Default is the same as Source Datasource.
    • Dataset: Lists all Raster Dataset (GRID) in the Current Data source. Select the After Cut FillRaster Dataset in the list.
  • Set Result Data.
    • Datasource: All the Datasources in the Current Workspace are listed. Select the Datasource where the Result Dataset is located. Default is the same as Source Datasource.
    • Dataset: Sets the name of the Result Dataset. The Result Dataset is obtained by subtracting the Cut and Fill Data from the source data.
  • Click OK to execute the mass haul operation.

    After Executed, the Fill and Excavation Calculate Result will be displayed in the Output Window, including Fill Volume, Cut Volume, Fill Area, Cut Area, and Unfilled Area. Where the unit of volume is cubic meter and the unit of area is square meter. As shown in the following figure:

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