Build Relationship
Instructions for use
It is an important part of map construction to use the relationship between the created entities.
SuperMap iDesktopX provides the following two ways to Build a Relationship.
- Entities can be constructed from spatial relationships (containing, contained, intersecting, adjacent) when they contain spatial attributes
- There are two ways to build the Property Field matching relationship:
- Match with the Connection Field of the same value of the source entity and the target entity
- Match through the third association table
Function entrance
- Knowledge Graph tab-> Build->: Build Relationship.
- Toolbox-> Knowledge Graph-> Build Relationship: Double-click or drag the tool to the Model Builder Window and double-click the function graph.
A Simple model built using the Geo-Processing Automation (GPA) implementation of Knowledge Graph is:
Parameter Description
- Connect Graph Database: Set Graph Database Connection information, including Graph Database type, Graph Database address, user name, password, etc. Click the Connect button after filling.
- Source Entity: Set the parent Entity Type.
- Target Entity: Set the sub-entity type. For example, if the house belongs to the parcel, then the house is the source entity and the parcel is the target entity. Relationship name: is the subordinate. The Relation Connection points from the source entity to the target entity.
- Building Way: provide the methods of building Relationship through spatial topology operations such as inclusion, inclusion, intersection, and adjacency, as well as the methods of Match Field and association matching. Note that if you are building from a spatial relationship, you must build the Contains spatial objects "parameter when you Create Entity .
- Relationship: Sets the relationship type name.
- Match Source Field: must be set when the Build Relationship method is Match Field and associated match. This field is the Connection Field in the source entity that is associated with the target entity. Association is implemented when there are the same data values in the Connection Field. When connecting Yukon, this field must be a lowercase letter.
- Match Target Field: must be set when the Build Relationship method is Match Field and associated match. This field is the Connection Field in the target entity to establish contact with the source entity. Implements an association when there are identical data values in the Connection Field. When connecting Yukon, this field must be a lowercase letter.
- Datasource: it needs to be set when the Build Relationship method is association matching, that is, the Datasource where the relation association table is located.
- Associated Table: Set the Dataset where the associated table is located.
- Source Entity Association Field: corresponds to the matching source field.
- Target Entity Association Field: corresponds to the matching Target Field.
- Click the Execute button to execute the prepared analysis function. After the execution completed, the Output Window will prompt whether the Result succeeds or fails.