
Instructions for use

Create a new Color Scheme.

Operation steps

  1. Activate Color Scheme Editor: In the Color Manager, click the Add button to enter the Color Scheme Editor "dialog.
  2. Open Color Scheme: In the "Color Scheme Editor", click the "Open Color Scheme" button, and select the color scheme to be opened in the pop-up window.
  3. Add Color: In the Color Scheme Editor ", click the Add Color" button. The system Default Color is automatically added to the list of colors. If you need to edit the added color, click the ribbon to be edited in the list, and select the required color in the pop-up color panel. Make sure there are at least two colors in the list.
  4. Delete Color: Click the Delete Color "button to remove unwanted colors.
  5. Color Adjustment: Click the Top, Move Up, Move Down, and Bottom buttons to adjust the order of the colors.
  6. Complete Basic Info: Fill in the Basic Info of Color Scheme, including name, author and Description.
  7. Select color change mode: Set the color change mode. The system provides two options: gradient and random. The default is gradient.
  8. Gradient refers to the gradual blending of multiple colors, that is, inserting multiple colors from color A to color B, and gradually transitioning from color A to color B. These inserted colors are called gradient colors.

    Random refers to the jump mixing between multiple colors, that is, the transition from color A to color B by inserting multiple color jumps from color A to color B. These intermediate colors are randomly generated each time.

  9. Set number of interval colors: Number of color intervals: Specify the number of intermediate colors between two adjacent key colors. The value range of interval color number is 0-255, and the default value is 32. If the user wants the transition of adjacent colors in the Color Scheme to be more natural, the number of interval colors can be increased appropriately.
  10. Save the Color Scheme file: Click the Browse Folder button on the right to save the Color Scheme file (*.scs) in the specified location.
  11. Preview: In the preview area, you can view the effect of Color Scheme in time. If you are not satisfied with the color effect, you can continue to modify it until you are satisfied.
  12. Complete Add Color: Click OK to complete the addition of this Color Scheme.

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