Modify Thematic Label Map.

Instructions for use

The Thematic Label Map can be modified through the Thematic Label Map window. Modify various Parameter Settings of the created Thematic Label Map in the corresponding "Thematic Label Map" "window according to the Thematic Label Map type selected by the user, so as to realize the thematic map effect more in line with the requirements.

There are four types of Thematic Label Map windows: Uniform Label Thematic Map window, Segmented Thematic Label Map "window, Composite Thematic Label Map" window, Label Matrix Thematic Map "window.

Operation steps

  1. Double-click a certain type of Thematic Label Map in Layer Manager, and a certain type of "Thematic Label Map" "window will pop up to display the setting information of the selected Thematic Label Map.
  2. Parameter Settings of each type of Thematic Label Map can be performed in the corresponding thematic map window. For different types of Thematic Label Map, the name of the Thematic Label Map window is different from that of Display Parameter. For details, see: