Batch Append Rows

Function Description

Supports appending multiple Dataset records (lines) in Source Datasource to the Dataset corresponding to Target Datasource to realize many-to-many Append in Batch. The Field and Type of Add Fields in the attribute table of Source Dataset and Target Dataset are required to be the same for successful appending.

Application scenario

For example, the land department of a city pre-integrates the geographic national condition element data of two counties, and 58 Datasets are stored in the Datasource of two counties according to the unified standard of surface classification, which only needs to be operated by Batch Append Rows. 58 Datasets can be added to the corresponding Dataset simultaneously.

Function entrance

  • Data tab-> Data Processing-> Vector-> Batch Append Rows.
  • Toolbox, Data Processing, Vector, Batch Append Rows.

Parameter Description

  • Target Datasource: Select the Target Datasource to be appended.
  • Source Datasource: Select the Datasource that provides the additional Dataset.
  • Add the corresponding relationship of the Dataset in the list box Area Setting, and determine the Dataset to be added by checking the checkbox:
    • The program will automatically correspond to the Dataset with the same name in the Source Datasource and Target Datasource. The user can also change the correspondence of the Dataset in the drop-down menu by clicking the Dataset Name.
    • If a Dataset exists in the Source Datasource but a corresponding Dataset does not exist in the Target Dataset, the Target Dataset Name is displayed as empty. The program will set the Copy Dataset to the Target Datasource.
  • Create New Fields: Create New Fields is used to set whether the fields that exist in the source data but do not exist in the Target Dataset are reserved. When Create New Fields is checked in the process of appending lines, the fields that match or do not match the Target Dataset will be retained. Otherwise, only the fields that match the Target Datasource will be retained.
  • Target Dataset is CAD Dataset, and Source Dataset can be point/line/region/text/CAD Dataset; Target Dataset is Tabular Dataset, and Source Dataset can be point, line, surface, text and CADVector Dataset; When the Target Dataset is of other types, the Source Dataset must be of the same type as the Target Dataset to perform this operation. For example, the Point Dataset must be appended with the point data.
  • When the operation Dataset is a point, line, surface, or text, the Geometry of the Source Dataset is also appended to the Target Dataset. When the operation Dataset is a property sheet, only the property sheet is operated on.
  • For SQLPlus Datasource, if there is data in Target Dataset and Mapsheet Index is created, it is recommended to manually delete Mapsheet Index from the newly generated Dataset after appending. Rebuild。

Related topics

Append a line

Append column

Merge Datasets
