Problem Catalog
1. How to view the image File Info .
2. How to view the grid value of the valueless area of the image .
Questions and answers
1.How to view Image File Info?
A. Use the gdalinfo. Exe tool, located in the software installation directory \ support \ MiniConda \ conda _ mini \ Lib \ site-packages \ osgeo \. The specific operation steps are as follows:
- Open a command line window
- Change the current directory to: Desktop installation directory \ support \ MiniConda \ conda _ mini \ Lib \ site-packages \ osgeo \
- Execute the command: gdalinfo. Exe Image Files full path, for example: gdalinfo. Exe E: \ data \ raster. TIF
The Result looks like this:
2. How to view the grid value of the valueless area of the image?
A: Use the Raster Query function in Spatial Analysis-> Raster Analysis-> Raster Query. Click Raster Query and Move Stop by Mouse to the image valueless area to see the raster value of each band of the image, as shown in the following figure.
Mosaic Dataset Based Query Grid Value | Read-only open Image Files query grid values |
Answer: There is a Mosaic Dataset map. Due to the abnormal situation of the image with no value information, the area with no value is not transparent by default. As shown in the following figure, the image Files with no value information is wrong, resulting in the default value of the Mosaic Dataset with no value is not the grid value of the area with no value. Open Mosaic Dataset. Image Layer has no value. Mosaic Dataset has no value by default.
When the Modify Mosaic Dataset has no value and the Mosaic Dataset has no value instead of the image error has no value, this modification will not be applied to the existing Mosaic Dataset map, and the "No value (RGB)" of the Image Layer needs to be manually modified to the correct value; You can also reopen the Mosaic Dataset after the Modify NoValue configuration, and remove the no-value area by default.
Answer: When Mosaic Dataset Map or Image Map is closed, the program will rewrite the Statistic Infomation and histogram information of the current image into the aux. XML file. The default is to use Histogram or Statistical Data from the aux. XML file.
When you enable Mosaic Dataset No Value and Recalculate the histogram and Statistical Data, the image's aux. XML file is updated with the correct information. At this time, if the original error histogram and the Image Map of Statistic Infomation are closed, the error information will overwrite the newly generated correct information.
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