Due to the large amount of 3D Data, which consumes machine resources, in order to improve the overall performance of the application, 3D Data, such as Image Data, Terrain Data, and Model Data, should be preprocessed before use. The essence of preprocessing is to create a hierarchical cache for imagery, terrain, or Model Data. For example, preprocess the Image Data, that is, simplify the Image Data into a set of images with different resolutions, establish a series of layers with different resolutions through the Resampling Method, store each layer separately, and establish the corresponding Spatial Index mechanism. This improves the Display Speed when zooming through the image. This operation of pre-processing images, terrain, or Model Data to create a hierarchical cache is called 3D cache generation.
The following describes the 3D cache generation rules for Image Data, Terrain Data, and Model Data, as well as the cache directory description.
Executive summary:
The first level of cache directory: the cache root directory
Cache Directory Level 2: Cache Hierarchical Directory
Cache directory level 3: line folder
Cache Directory Level 4: Columns Folder
Cache Directory Level 5: Cache File
Other Hierarchy Building Bases
Related topics:
Terrain Cache Generation Instance