Based on the previous version, SuperMap iDesktopX 10i(2021) creates and improves the following features.
Data Management
Datasource Management
- When creating a new datasource, the default coordinate system is China 2000. You are allowed to change it through a configuration file.
- When creating or opening a PostGIS-based datasource, the default pool size is 50. While for other database-based datasource, the default pool size is 1.
- When creating or opening an OracleSpatial-based datasource, you can specify the max pool size.
Dataset Management
For the mosaic dataset, we do the following improvements:
- The reason failed to add images to a mosaic dataset can be recorded in a CSV file. And you can find the file’s address in the Output Window. When you create a new mosaic dataset, you can select the file to add all failed images to it in a batch.
- When creating a mosaic dataset, you can add an existing mosaic dataset together with your image files.
- The mosaic dataset supports managing L1-L4 image data of Landsat8 and resources satellite three (ZY-3).
- The feature Balance Color can calibrate colors between each two adjacent images in a mosaic dataset according to the specified standard image.
- You can remove the color calibration to restore the original colors of all images.
- Image layers of a mosaic dataset can recognize the source satellites of image data automatically. Besides, you can set the band combination mode of image data.
- You can check the properties X and Y of the point dataset in a UDBX datasource.
- THe feature Modify Pyramid supports modifying the calculation method of image pyramids.
Coordinate System
- When creating or modifying a coordinate system, the customized geodetic datum will be saved automatically for further use.
- Introduces two Japanese geographic coordinate systems: JGD2000 and JGD2011.
Data Conversion
- Supports exporting multiple datasets to the same File GeoDatabase Vector(*.gdb) file.
- Supports exporting multiple datasets to the same VCT.
The new feature SQL Query can search data by constructing SQL expressions.
- SQL expression edit box supports automatic grammar completion.
- Supports checking and using historical SQL expressions.
- Supports displaying the query result associating with map and property windows.
Streaming Data Management
Optimizes the feature Create Streaming Data
- It supports accessing streaming data via HTTP.
- It can dock SuperMap iServer DataFlow Service.
- The newly introduced feature Simulate Sending Streaming Data can send the specified vector datasets and CSV data as streaming data.
Data Processing
- The new feature Create Random Point can generate the specified number of random points from the point, line, and region datasets in the specified range.
- The new feature Create Line Rule Point can generate rule points along lines through specifying the number of points, interval, and directions.
- The new feature Create Region Rule Point can generate rule points of regions through setting the number of rows and columns in the specified range or fixing the width and height of each rectangular cell.
- The new feature Area Segmentation can divide region data and update its properties according to area data.
- The new feature Aggregate Region can merge regions in the specified distance into a region.
Data Edit
- The new feature Fill Gap can build each gap in a region dataset resulting in a separate object or merge it to an adjacent object.
- The new feature Draw Line to Construct Region can construct a polygonal object from the line you draw and the border of the region interacted with the line.
- The new feature Draw Line to Modify Line can adjust the shape of the selected line according to the line you draw.
- The new feature Draw Line to Modify Border can adjust the public borders of regions adjacent to the line you draw.
- The new feature Select Line to Modify Border can adjust borders of the selected regions according to the specified line object.
- The new feature Select Line to Modify Line can adjust the selected lines according to the specified line.
The newly introduced Data Edit Toolbar allows you to do the following operations.
- The toolbar organizes a series of tools including Draw Line, Draw Region, Edit Object, Snapping, and so on.
- The toolbar can be docked at the top, bottom, left, and right sides. You can adjust its position as your habit.
Map Symbol
Supports creating and editing 2D markers, linear symbols, and filling symbols.
- Marker library: supports importing svg images and raster symbols, creating 2D symbols, and editing symbols.
- Linear symbol library: creates and edits 2D linear symbols.
- Filling symbol library: creates 2D filling symbols and pure color filling symbols and edits filling symbols.
- Supports browsing and symbols resources from Online.
- Newly introduces 142 symbols. Among them, there are 49 linear symbols, 12 filling symbols, and 81 SVG marker symbols to meet more industrial requirements.
- When importing a symbol that the symbol library already exists one, you can replace the existing symbol or step the symbol.
Thematic Map
- The module supports creating and ungrouping sub-item groups to facilitate the setting of the styles, visibilities, etc. of the sub-items in a batch.
- By default, the application creates the unique thematic map based on the first field that is neither a system field nor SmUserID. But if you have only the field SmUserId not a system field, the application will use the field.
- Introduces a new along-line mode River Mode. It improves the display of along-line labels of rivers in a small scale.
- Both the feature Raster Reclass and the range thematic map add a new parameter Natural Interval. The parameter can make the property values on each range similar but with big differences between two ranges.
- The uniform and unique-value style thematic maps supports setting their labels to the descriptions of enumeration domains.
Map Visualization
- Newly adds multiple color scheme applicable to DEM and aggregation maps to rich the display of data.
- Supports browsing and downloading online color schemes.
- Optimizes the feature Custom Legend. Now you are allowed to create a legend based on a DEM layer color table.
- Optimizes the display of cursor when drawing a map. And now, it can be displayed clearly no matter on a dark-background map or a light-background map.
- The application will import and export the symbols together with the importing and exporting of a map/layer style template.
- The layer manager adds the layer search bar convenient for the layer positioning.
- The properties panel of the raster layer introduces the visible view parameter for the raster function. It can display raster data in the visible range of the specified viewpoint.
Catographic Tool
- The new feature GeoSOT Grid feature can generate grid data based on the GeoSOT grid division standard.
- The Map Grid supports hexagonal grids.
Map Performance
- Introduced the feature Performance Diagnosis. It can count the consumed times of accessing, drawing, and searching data to diagnose the performance of the map in the specific scale and range. The diagnosed result can help improve the map performance.
Map Tiles
- Introduces a new tool Tile Conversion. It can convert PNG tiles saved on your local machine to WebP tiles.
Optimizes the feature Map Tiles (Multi-task).
- You are allowed to adjust the priority of the generation of tiles in a scale and pause all related tasks.
- For the global-subdivision tiling mode, to generate map tiles through multiple tasks, you can specify a base scale, which can improve the efficiency of generating map tiles from mosaic datasets.
- The tile-generating progress and log information are refreshed and shown instantly.
- Tile Manager supports adding multiple groups of map tiles from the same MongoDB database in bulk to manage.
The feature Merge Tile :
- Supports merging tiles in the format of WebP.
- Supports setting a border dataset when merging map tiles to MongoDB. The feature will merge tiles intersecting each other at borders to improve the operation efficiency.
The feature Check Tile
- Supports setting the checking bounds to the dataset bounds.
- Check if there are black or white colors.
- Outputs the number of error tiles of each level and tile counts of each error type in tables.
- Supports deleting tiles on the outside of the specified borders.
- The new feature Extract Tile Grid extracts all tiles on each scale according to the local sci file.
- The new feature Check Boundary can check and mark the errors of tiles that overlap the boundaries on each scale.
- After generating vector tiles successfully, the application will output the link. You can click the link to check the resulting tiles.
Introduces Layout Manager to manage layout elements intuitively.
- It lists all elements of the current layout.
- You can select an element on the layout manager to select the corresponding element on the layout.
- The context menu of the layout manager organizes a series commands including Group , Ungroup , etc.
The new feature Map Grid allows you to add multiple grids on the same map. The grid types include Graticules and Measured Grids.
- Supports setting grid styles and label styles.
- Supports settings border types and styles of grids. The application provides two border types: single line and complex lines.
- Supports importing and exporting map grid templates (*.xml) convenient for future use and sharing.
The new feature Add Table has the ability to display complex statistic data in tables.
- You are allowed to edit data in tables, set text styles, merge cells, and so on.
- You can divide tables into normal objects like regions and text convenient for the layout adjustment.
- The style setting panel of layout elements docks on the right side of the application. When you set the styles of elements, you can preview the display instantly.
- Supports setting text styles in bulk.
- The diagram supports undoing the last operation and redoing the last undone action.
- Optimizes the display of labels of a diagram. If a diagram has too many to display all of them, the application will display parts of them.
- Improves the sorting of diagrams. By default, if you don’t specify a sorting field, the application will sort the diagram as its first statistical field.
Spatial Analysis
- The new feature Raster Aggregation can decrease the resolution of raster data thereby generating new raster data. Each pixel in the resulting raster is aggregated from a group of source pixels. The feature aims at clearing unwanted information and deleting tiny errors.
- After specifying the shape of the neighborhood, the new feature Block Statistic calculates the statistical data of all pixels in each neighborhood. It can replace the ability of the tool Re-sample to re-sample raster data from a fine resolution to a coarse resolution.
- The new feature Region Table calculates crossing regions between two datasets and generate the table.
- The new feature Regularize Building extracts key points and main orientations of buildings and regularizes buildings’ outlines.
- Optimizes the feature Overlay Analysis. And now, you can set self-intersection parameters to save the self intersection areas as multiple overlap objects.
Spatial Statistical Analysis
- Optimizes the display of results of Central Element , Mean Center , and Median Center. Analysis results are shown in thematic maps and diagrams to enhance their readability.
- Optimizes the display of results of Spatial Autocorrelation , High/Low Clustering , and Average Nearest Neighbor. Analysis results are shown in diagrams and legends.
- Optimizes the display of results of Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation. The results are shown in linear diagrams.
- Optimizes the display of results of Geo-detector. The analysis results are shown in diagrams together with explanations. At the same time, you can switch results to check all of them more conveniently.
- Optimizes the display of results of Cluster and Outlier Analysis , Density Clustering , Hotspot Analysis. Analysis results are shown in thematic maps, diagrams, and legends.
- Optimizes the display of results of Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis and Ordinary Least Squares. Analysis results are shown in linear diagrams and histograms.
- Optimizes the display of results of Random Sampling. Results are shown in label thematic maps.
Facility Network Analysis
- Optimizes the display of results of Connectivity Analysis. The analysis result will be shown on the map intuitively.
- The new feature Match Address searches addresses according to a generated index files to verify its accuracy.
Introduces the module Online. Docking SuperMap Online and iPortal, the application supports checking and downloading resources (maps, data, symbols, etc.) and uploading local resources.
- The new function Online Map allows you to share, browse, and download maps online. Besides, you can open services, share links, and so on.
- Supports downloading data from SuperMap Online and uploading local data.
- Supports sharing custom symbols, retrieving and downloading online symbol libraries.
- Supports sharing custom color schemes, retrieving and downloading online color libraries.
- The introduced My Center manages your services and data.
- Supports sharing layer style templates, thematic map templates, map templates, and layout templates and retrieving and downloading online templates.
Geoprocessing Modeler
Build and Execute Model
- Introduces inline variables. Recognizing inline variables with %, the model can pass values generated when executing it. For instance, the model can pass names of source objects when a loop is executing.
- Introduces independent variables that can be used by multiple tools and cross different datasources as global variables
- The new features Iterate File and Iterate Dataset execute loops as a certain condition in a specified folder or SDX+ engine datasource to process data in bulk.
- The feature Precondition supports connecting the last output and next tool and setting filtering conditions.
Optimizes the task manager:
- It supports checking the historical records of executing models.
- It supports checking the parameter setting information of tools on models.
- It supports switching the display mode of task-executing records. The application provides two modes: time-line mode and simple mode.
- It supports setting the level of the log file. The application provides two mode: detail and brief modes.
- It supports outputting log information recording parameters and executions of tools.
Model Management
- The exported model (an xml file) records the product name and version. Moreover, the application encrypts the data connection when saving it to the model.
- After publishing a model to iServer successfully, the application outputs the model address and REST API. You can click the address to redirect to iServer geoprocessing molder page and position to the published model tool.
Model Canvas
- The feature Data Connection can connect different types of data. Such as, an integer independent variable can connect a double-precision or string input parameter.
- The application supports enabling hawkeye windows to position and check partial models.
- It provides three types of lines for you to set the connection line styles (straight line, knuckle line, and relation connection).
- The automatic model layout can arrange tools in your modeler automatically.
- The canvas supports copying, pasting, and cutting tools.
- The canvas supports undo the last operation and redo the last undone operation.
Manage Toolbox
- The application introduces a customized toolbox where you can add required tools.
- You can copy tools or groups on the toolbox and paste them on the custom toolbox.
- You are allowed to add a tool to ribbon.
- The model tools support editing their descriptions.
- After renaming a tool in a model successfully, you can find out the original tool.
Common Tools
- Newly introduces two tools: Import *.Excel and Export *.Excel.
- Data Processing introduces multiple vector features: Aggregate Region , Create Random Points , and Regularize Building.
- The Topology module adds the topologically checking tool.
- Overlay Analysis supports the calculations: Intersect and Merge Multi-layers. Besides, it can works on self-intersection regions.
- Introduces vector analysis tools: Database-side SQL Query and Database-side SQL Operation.
- Adds raster analysis tools: Region Table and Block Statistic.
- Hydrology Analysis introduces the tool Correct DEM with River.
Distributed Tools
- Adds big-data vector management tools: Read Vector Data from WFS Service and Read Vector Data from iServer Data Service.
- Adds big-data raster management tools: Modify NoValue Property , Convert Pixel Format , and Display Dataset Information.
- Adds big-data vector analysis tools: Multi-layer Overlay Analysis , Aggregate Region , and GeoSOT Grid Division.
- Adds big-data raster analysis tools: Algebraic Operation > Set Expression and Weighted Statistic.
- Optimizes the way of parameters settings of the tool Raster Reclass.
- The tool 3D Point to Raster (in the Big-data Raster Management > Data Conversion group) adds two parameters: pixel format and NoValue.
GeoAI Tools
- Adds new machine-learning tools: GBDT classification and regression.
- Perfects functions on Cellular Automation. ANN and PCA can save and load model files.
Video Map
Manage Video Dataset
- You are allowed to enter the relative path to the video you want to add on a video dataset.
Optimizes the video calibration function.
- The pinhole-camera-model calibration mode calibrates videos based on registration points and reference points. Besides the application allows you to enter or import camera parameters to assign videos geographical coordinate systems.
- Supports setting the rotation angle to rotate your map to match its direction consistent with your video.
- Supports importing the camera parameters in the format of CSV. The application can parse parameter information in different times.
- Supports extracting the position of the camera in your video dataset and valid-bound data.
Video Map Window
- Supports adding 3D vector datasets to video map windows to overlay videos.
- Supports drawing 3D points, lines, and regions on the video map window.
- Supports creating thematic maps from vector data on the video map window.
- Supports measuring distances, areas, and heights on the video map window.
- Supports associating a video map window with a map window, thereby associating the map and the camera position.
- The new feature Save Video saves the accessed video stream as a video file.
- The feature Skip Frame can skip the specified frames to smooth the playing of your video.
Video Strength
- The new feature Style Transfer renders the style of your video according to the sample image.
Video &Scene; Integration
- Supports adding a video dataset to a scene. Using the video casting technology, the application achieves the integration of multi-input video and 3D data.
Video Analysis
- The new feature Trace Target tracks the detected target and displays the target’s movement instantly.
- The new feature Velocity Analysis measures the target’s speed, takes pictures of the target, and outputs the speed of the target when it exceeding the speed limit.
- The new feature Target Statistic counts the number of targets of each class and the number of passed targets.
- The new feature Extract Trace extracts the traces of targets resulting in linear objects.
- The new feature Add Mosaic on Face allows you to add mosaic to anonymize faces showed on your video.
- The new feature Add Mosaic on License Plate allows you to add mosaic to anonymize license plates showed on your video.
- The new feature Visibility Analysis analyzes the visibility between two points on a video map window.
- The new feature Viewshed Analysis can analyze the viewshed of the specified point.
- The new feature Instant Frame Rate displays the playing rate of your video instantly.
- When the playing frequency of your video is less than the frequency of the video itself, the program will skip frames automatically.
- When the video analyses (target detection, trace target, or measure speed) are going not very smoothly, the feature Video Frame Skipping can skip a certain number of frames to perform the analyses dynamically.
- The new feature Compress Video compresses videos according to the resolution or compression rate to improve the performance of the video analysis.
Map Dashboard
- You can undo the last operation and redo the last undone action with Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y.
- When mulitple elements overlap each other, you can right click on them and select the one you want.
- The Video List control can list all videos on video datasets, allowing you to switch the visible videos on a dashboard.
- When previewing a dashboard, you can click a control to switch its position with the specified control.
- You can perform AT analyses on a video including target tracking, speed detection, target counts, license plate recognition, and fence analysis.
- The newly introduced AI Info Panel control can display the detected results (target counts, types, etc.) in tables.
Data Migration
Migrate Data
- When migrating data, the module can migrate the parameterized objects together in accordance with their property information.
- You are allowed to import specified SDE data.
Migrate Map
- The Migrate MXD feature allows you to migrate MXD data in bulk.
- Graduated symbols and proportional symbols can be migrated resulting in graded thematic maps.
- Supports migrating point density maps of ArcGIS to point density maps of SuperMap.
- Supports migrating the unique-value multiple-field-types unique thematic map.
- The multiple-field-types label thematic map can be migrated resulting in multiple label layers in the same group. Each label layer corresponds with a field type.
- You can create maps from the source data saved in a PostGIS database directly without migrating it.
- Supports migrating the offset parameters together with the migration of a label thematic map.
Migrate Layout
- It can migrate maps, legends, scales. and compasses of ArcMap layouts to the application.
Migrate Tiles
- The module can convert *.tpk tiles to SuperMap tiles. And you can re-specify parameters of tiles like types, scales, and bounds.
Machine Learning
- Introduces the ability to manage sample image libraries to create sample labels for image data conveniently.
- It supports creating sample image libraries. You can specify sample datasets and label domains for image data.
- Existing sample image libraries can be opened and modified.
- It can draw labels through many ways like parallels, polygons, and orthogonal polygons.
- You can draw labels in the specified size and shape by clicking your mouse.
- You can save your labels as templates based on which you can draw a lot of labels in bulk in future.
- Supports importing and exporting sample templates.
- Supports modifying names and labels of sample templates.
- The No-overlap Drawing mode clips the overlaps of the labels being drawn automatically.
- The Detect Changes supports associating images and labels in different periods, thereby helping compare the changes of data.
Secondary Development
- The new feature Work Environment Designer has a visual interface and supports customizing the application’ interface and features.
- If you delete the entrance of Work Environment Designer accidentally, you can enable it again by running startup.bat.
Introduces the Plugin Manager that can manage both online and local plugins.
- Supports browsing and installing online plugins.
- Supports enabling, banning, and uninstalling local plugins.
Data Processing
- Optimize “Import dataset”, import S3M, S3MB format data
- The Linux version supports importing OSGB, OSG., X, S3M, OBJ, DAE, 3DS, STL and other format data.
- New feature: “Voxel Grid generation cache”, support Voxel Grid data generation S3M tiles.
3D Data
- Optimize the “model” batch generation cache, support the setting of merged root nodes, repeated texture grouping, texture settings, S3M version and other parameters.
- New feature: “Tile Management”, support for storing data in the MongoDB database; after the data is stored in the MongoDB database, a configuration file will be generated in the specified path; support for connecting to the MongoDB database to add, delete, and query data .
- New feature: “3D Tiles to S3M”, support 3D model data, Oblique photogrammetric model data, converted to S3M.
- Model tool texture remapping.
- Oblique photogrammetric model texture remapping.
- Optimize “ObliqueBuilder”, support setting the center point coordinate unit, S3M version and other parameters.
New feature: code-free GP modeling process
- New feature: ObliqueBuilder process, which supports the conversion of oblique photogrammetric data into S3M tiles
- New feature: point cloud caching process, support for converting point cloud data into S3M tiles
- New feature: model caching process, which supports processing 3ds MAX model data into S3M tiles
- New feature: Terrain caching process, support for processing DEM data into S3M tiles
- New feature: White mold stretching process, support surface data stretching processing into S3M tiles
- New feature: window PBR caching process, support AI technology to extract the model window texture and process it into PBR material to generate S3M tiles Scenes
- New feature: “Query Coordinate Values”, support moving the mouse to query coordinate values.
- Optimize “Model Export”, support exporting GLTF, OBJ, FBX, KML+GLTF and other format data. Object drawing
- New feature: “Parametric Model” objects, including bent cylinders, elliptical toroids, rectangular toroids, pyramids, toroids, truncated cones, wedges, etc.
3D Designer
- New feature: “3D polar coordinate modeling”, which supports the construction of 3D surface models based on UV parameters and mathematical expressions.
- New feature: “Material”, supports model dataset material editing, and supports operations such as creating, editing, and deleting materials.
- New feature: “Recalculate Texture”, which supports batch modification of the texture coordinates of model objects.
Traffic Analysis
- New feature: “Build a 3D network”, based on a 3D point dataset, a line dataset, or only a 3D line dataset to generate a 3D network dataset.
- New feature: “Customize to build a 3D network”, build a custom 3D network dataset based on a 3D point dataset, a line dataset, or only a 3D line dataset.
Layer Properties
- New feature: Voxel Grid “mouse query intensity information”, support mouse roaming to query the intensity value of Voxel Grid data.
GP Toolset
Oblique Photogrammetry
- Optimize the “ObliqueBuilder” GP tool to support setting the center point coordinate unit, S3M version and other parameters.
Oblique Photogrammetric Data Processing
- New feature: “Upgrade to large file” GP tool, which supports saving the Oblique Photogrammetry cache and model cache as large files to improve loading and browsing performance.
- Optimize the GP tool of “Grid Generate TIN Cache”, set the scene type, and support projected coordinate system data to generate global/local scene tiles.
- New feature: “Merge TIN Cache” GP tool, which supports merging two TIN caches into one TIN cache.
- New feature: “Remove invalid values” GP tool, which supports limiting the extreme value range of TIN elevation.
- New feature: “Create Index” GP tool, support TIN cache to create spatial index.
- New feature: The “TIN Overlay Ocean” GP tool supports generating a TIN cache with ocean boundaries based on the precise coastline range.
- Optimize the “Raster Generation DEM Cache” GP tool, scene type settings, and support projected coordinate system data to generate global/localscene tiles.
- Optimize the “DEM Generate TIN Cache” GP tool, set the scene type, and support projected coordinate system data to generate global/ scene tiles.
Man-made Model
- New feature: “Projection Conversion” GP tool, support model dataset projection conversion.
- New feature: “Topology Correction” GP tool, which supports correcting the triangles in the sub-object to the same direction.
- New feature: “Streamline Correction” GP tool, which supports correction of model objects with topological errors.
- New feature: “Calculate Normal” GP tool, which supports recalculating model normals.
- New feature: “Remove Normal” GP tool, which supports removing model normals.
- New feature: “Model Translation” GP tool, support translation model.
- New feature: “Model Rotation” GP tool, supports rotating models.
- New feature: “Zero Coordinate” GP tool, support model relative coordinate Z reset and model absolute coordinate Z reset.
- New feature: “Model Split” GP tool, which supports splitting the model into multiple model objects.
- New feature: “Model Cutting” GP tool, which supports cutting models.
- New feature: “Model Mosaic” GP tool, supports mosaic models.
- New feature: “Model Digging” GP tool, supports digging model.
- New feature: “Triangulation Simplification” GP tool, which supports simplified models.
- New feature: “Extract Projection” GP tool, support to obtain model projection surface.
- New feature: “Extract Projection Extrusion Volume” GP tool, support to obtain model projection extruded Volume.
- New feature: “Extract Boundary” GP tool, which supports the extraction of model boundaries to obtain 3D vector region.
- Optimize “model generation cache” GP tool, scene type settings, support projection coordinate system data to generate spherical/planar scene tiles; support setting S3M version, texture settings and other parameters.
3D Analysis
- New feature: “Buffer Analysis” GP tool, which supports buffering 3D points, lines, region, and model objects into 3D region or models.
- New feature: “Boolean Operation” GP tool, which supports Boolean operations such as merge, difference, and intersection of models.
- New feature: “Convex Hull Calculation” GP tool, which supports obtaining the convex hull of the model.
- New feature: “Sunlight to build shadow volume” GP tool, supports the construction of model shadow volume according to the time of sunlight.
- New feature: “Linear Extrusion” GP tool, which supports linear extruding of vector area objects to build models.
- New feature: “Rotational Extrusion” GP tool, build a model according to the cross-section polygon rotation and extrusion and move it to the specified position.
- New feature: “Stakeout” GP tool, which supports staking out line objects into models.
- New feature: “Build a sloping roof” GP tool, which supports polygonal objects to build a sloping roof model.
- New feature: “Build a house” GP tool, which supports polygonal objects to build a house model.
- New feature: “Geological Model Construction” GP tool, which supports selecting 3D point dataset, setting range and color scheme, which is used to generate Geological Model from multi-layer geological point data.
- New feature: “Geological Model Section” GP tool, supports selecting model dataset and sectioning dataset (line/region dataset), setting sectioning parameters, and performing section analysis to obtain geological section models.
- New feature: “Geological Drilling” GP tool, which supports setting drilling parameters and performing drilling analysis by selecting a Geological Model dataset and a drilling point dataset to obtain a geological drilling model.
AI Extraction
- New feature: GP tools such as “Model Material Extraction”, “Window Extraction”, “Model Window Self-illumination”, etc., used for AI extraction of model windows.
Interactive Experience
Optimizes the selection and settings of licenses.
- You can switch among a local license, public-cloud license, and private license conveniently.
- Supports switching among licenses in the same public-cloud account.
- You can load part of extensions only and release the licenses of other unselected extensions.
- The functional interface allows you to redirect the online document of each function.
- Catalog lists all historical databases you used and groups them by engine types.
- The new item Tab allows you to switch the view mode of opened windows in the application to the tab mode.
- The Properties panel of the object adds the tree structure to list all selected objects convenient for you to check their properties.
- The way of browsing WMS service maps is improved. You can set whether to hide a layer group.
- Improves the capacity to auto-save workspaces.
Sample Data
- Adds a sample map and 2 groups of exercise data.